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Membership For WooCommerce Pro


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Membership For WooCommerce Pro

One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce Pro helps merchants to create exclusive post-purchase upsell offers. You can easily build highly responsive offer pages in just a few clicks. Customers can purchase the post-checkout offers in a single click without re-entering their payment information.

  • Triggers upselling WooCommerce funnels on target products or categories.
  • Creates category-based offers or product-based offers.
  • Accept payments from core payment gateways.
  • Build one-time upsell offers by major page builders with zero coding.
  • Show post-purchase upsell offers that your customers can grab in a single click.
  • No Recurring Payments
  • 1 Year Free Support
  • 24x7 Customer Care


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Seamlessly set up WooCommerce memberships to stabilize your store’s revenue stream with members-only products, content, discounts, and offers:

  • Cancel Memberships Anytime: Member can cancel their membership plans anytime they want. After cancelation, all benefits will be immediately withdrawn. 
  • Show Products to Members Only: You can restrict the access of non-members to premium content on your online store.
  • Show Offered Prices to Non-Members: Attract non-members to join your membership plans by showing them discounts & offers on membership products. 
  • Customize the Membership Plan Page: You can easily set the membership plan page’s background and text color. 
  • Send Quick Notifications: Send bulk email notifications to all members instantly regarding any updates, offers, discounts, or plan upgrades.
  • Membership Shortcodes: Use the membership shortcodes to display Buy Now & No Thanks button, registration form, plans, and templates.
  • Monitor all Membership plans: You can see all existing memberships plans and their details like Plan ID, Access Type, Offered Products & Categories, etc.
  • Membership Report: The membership report outlines the following details: active membership plans, total members, active members, and pending and expired members.
  • Customize Membership Emails: Modify the subject line and message body of membership creation, expiration, and cancellation email for members.

Quick Info

  • Compatible up to: WP 6.2.x, WC 7.8.x

  • Minimum PHP version: 7.3.5 or Higher

  • Version: 2.3.0 View Change Log

  • Last update: Jul 03, 2023


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Based on 342 reviews






Top Features

Show Discounted/Offered Prices to Non-members

Show the discounted products to non-members or customers who haven’t opted for any WooCommerce membership plans. It will encourage non-members to become members and avail the member-exclusive discounts.

Customize the Member Creation, Expiration, and Cancellation Mail

You can customize the membership creation, expiration, and cancellation email subject line and message for members. This dynamic mail feature lets you tailor your crucial membership emails according to your brand voice.

Customize the Elements of the WooCommerce Membership Plan Page

The WooCommerce member plugin lets you tailor the Background and Button Text Color of Buy Now Button and Woo Membership Page Background & Text Color which makes the pages more engaging.

Import Members

Membership for WooCommerce streamlines data management by allowing merchants to import all users and members together using the convenient import Members feature. This simplifies the process of managing user data effectively.

Login/SignUp option for a guest user

You can enable the login or signup for guest users and also send login credentials through the mail. If you didn’t get credentials, then either your email is already registered or your mail setup has an issue.

Last Active Member

The WooCommerce member plugin generates a report of the number of active members, the time when they were active, and the active duration. It allows you to effectively monitor your WooCommerce memberships.

Restrict Comments on Your Protected Posts

Comments on the protected post will remain restricted for non-members. They must sign up as a member to view the product. For example, Restricting a product or content also restricts or hides its associated reviews and comments.

Use a Shortcode To Show the Membership Template Column,

With the help of shortcodes, you can create and display three WooCommerce membership plans together. You are free to decide how you want to display your plans to customers. For example, single, double, or comparison forms.
The format of plans will appear as seen in the image below after utilizing the shortcodes.

Two Free Templates for Membership Plans

You get two free templates to show membership plans: the “simple plan template” and a “comparison plan template”. If you want more customizable templates as per your website design, style, color, font, etc., count on us.

Dynamic CSS of Becoming Member Button

Membership For WooCommerce comes with a dynamic CSS “become a member button feature in which you can change the background color, text color, and border radius of the button to give it a dynamic look accordingly.

Access To Membership Products, Pages, And Posts

You can update access control of any product, page, and post for membership plan users. The Membership Plugin allows you to grant access to premium content to WooCommerce membership holders only.

Offer Subscription for Membership Plans

The WooCommerce Membership Plugin allows you to offer subscriptions to membership plans when you select limited access to membership plans. For plans with lifetime access, a membership subscription can’t be used.

Hide Products From Non-Members

You can hide your premium products from customers who aren’t a part of any WooCommerce membership plans. This membership plugin allows the admin to restrict access to premium content from non-members.

Use APIs to Show Membership Offer Details and Purchased Plans

Active membership plans API gives out the following details: Membership ID, Name, Type, Price, & Duration. And the Purchased Memberships API shows these details: Membership ID, Name, Price, Validity, Duration, and Status.

Select WooCommerce Membership Product

You can choose which products to approve as WooCommerce membership products. Set different products for different memberships. And enable membership for various products and set discounts too.

Modify the Buy Now Button Text

Store owners can tailor the Buy Now button’s text format to give it a more dynamic appearance. For example, you can change the text of the “buy now” button to “purchase now”, “grab now,” and so on.

Allow Your Members to Cancel their Membership Accounts

Membership for WooCommerce gives users the flexibility to cancel their subscriptions at any time, creating a sense of security & confidence in users buying membership plans. They have full control over their subscription journey.


Compatible With Subscription For WooCommerce

The Subscriptions for WooCommerce plugin is compatible with our Membership for WooCommerce plugin, enabling you to sell membership plans and facilitate their renewal using payment gateways supported by the subscription plugin, including the WooCommerce wallet.

Compatible With WPML

The Membership for WooCommerce Plugin is compatible with the WordPress Multilingual (WPML) plugin for localizing the membership plugin strings.

Free vs Pro

Features Free Version Pro Version
Individual Product Membership Plan
Modify the Text of the Buy Now Button to Dynamic Text
Allow Your Members to Cancel Their Membership Accounts
Woocommerce Membership Details of Customers
User Membership History
Membership User Data Export
WooCommerce Membership User Data Import
Delete Plugin Data On Uninstall
Shortcodes for Product Page Customization
Discount On User Cart Total
Offer Free Shipping for Members
Error Logging
Offer Membership Categories/span>
Limited or Lifetime Membership Accessibility
Set Different Membership Status
Manually Assign Membership Plans
Multiple Language Translation
Multisite Compatible
Bulk Actions to Edit & Delete Memberships
Membership Registration Shortcodes
Send Quick Email notifications to All Members
Create Memberships on Processing Order Status
Select Membership Products
Combine WooCommerce Membership Plan Benefits
Select Access To Membership Pages And Posts
Select Access To Membership Products
Override Membership Plan Access
Membership Reports With Better Graphics
Emails for Membership Plan Actions
Membership Sorting
Login/SignUp Option for a Guest User
Last Active Member
Comment Restriction on Membership Products
Shortcode to Show Membership Template Column
Two Free Templates Available i.e. Simple and Comparison
Dynamic CSS of Become Member Button
Show Discounted/Offered Prices to Non-members
Customize the Member Creation, Expiration, and Cancellation Mail
Customize the Elements of the WooCommerce Membership Plan Page
Import Members


general settings
email for membership
offer on membership plan
view Membership details
wpml compatibility
wooCommerce membership templates
restrict content for non members
membership shipping
all membership planFb pixel compatibility
membership shortcodesView upsell reports



What are the payment methods supported by the upsell WooCommerce plugin?2023-06-26T09:29:01+00:00

Free version supports only Cash on Delivery. 

WooCommerce One Click Upsell Funnel Pro is compatible with the following payment gateways:

  • WooCommerce PayPal Payments
  • WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway
  • Mollie Payments
  • Authorize.net
  • Braintree
  • Square
  • Paystack
  • Vipps
  • Cardcom


and core payment options such as Cash On Delivery, Direct Bank Transfer, and Cheque Payments.

I installed the plugin, created funnels, and added the offers too still, it does not trigger why?2023-06-26T09:30:03+00:00

If the upsell offers are not showing, make sure:

  • You’ve enabled the WooCommerce One Click Upsell Funnel Pro plugin. Navigate to Global Settings and enable the plugin if it is disabled.
  • Your custom funnel is not in Sandbox Mode. If it is, edit the funnel and make it Live, and Save Changes.
  • You are testing for the correct target product or category you’ve set in the WooCommerce funnel.
  • The offer page is published.
  • You’re making the payment through one of our supported payment gateways. If you make payments through a payment gateway that is not supported by our plugin, the offer will not be displayed.
Is my Payment Gateway compatible with WooCommerce Upsell plugin?2023-06-26T09:30:52+00:00

You can see the list of supported payment gateways on our Product page. But if your required gateway is not there, You can contact our ” Support ” team for this.

 We will check the possibilities and make your gateway compatible with our plugin on your request. There is always a way for everyone.

How can I use Custom Page Shortcodes for BUY NOW and NO THANKS?2023-06-26T09:31:41+00:00

For the “Buy Now” shortcode: You need to copy this Buy Now → [wps_upsell_yes] and place it at a suitable place on your page. Note: This shortcode only returns the link, so it has to be used in the link section. In HTML use it as href=”[wps_upsell_yes]” of the anchor tag.

 For the “No thanks” shortcode: You need to copy this No Thanks → [wps_upsell_no] and place it at a suitable place on your page. Note: This shortcode only returns the link, so it has to be used in the link section. In HTML use it as href=”[wps_upsell_no]” of the anchor tag.

For more information, visit our One Click Upsell documentation.

Is there any free version of this plugin?2023-06-26T09:32:15+00:00

Yes, there is a free version of this plugin available on WordPress. You can visit our free version. If you wish we can give you a personal demo for One Click Upsell Funnel For WooCommerce Pro too.

Can I design an upsell offer page if I don’t have a designer?2023-06-26T09:33:59+00:00

Yes, you can customize your upsell offer pages as per your needs. Just drag and drop and style your elements as you need and your page will be ready in minutes.

How to make a custom offer page for upsell of my own?2023-06-26T09:34:35+00:00

If you want to make a custom offer page for upsell of your own without our pre-defined templates you can do it with the link we have given in the ‘Offer Template’ section. Click on ‘Click here to Create Custom Template’ and make a new offer as per your website needs. After making that page insert a link in the below box and save.


Note: Make sure you are using page builders which are supported by the plugin. 

What are shortcodes & how are they beneficial?2023-06-26T09:35:09+00:00

You can customize the upsell offer page using shortcodes. The plugin provides some advanced shortcodes for creating custom offer pages. You can check our documentation for more details.

Why do Global Funnel and Smart Offer Upgrade not work at the same time?2023-06-26T09:36:04+00:00

The Smart Offer Upgrade works only when it fetches a target product id. On the other hand, the Global Funnel functionality is just the opposite, it does not require a product id to trigger. Thus, this is the reason why Global Funnel and Smart Offer Upgrade do not work together.

Can I show two or more offers at the same time?2023-06-26T09:36:55+00:00

No, you cannot show more than one offer at the same time. If you added more than one offer to the smart funnel, it’ll only trigger when the previous offer is rejected by the customer.

Can I preset a minimum cart amount on which the funnel should trigger?2023-06-26T09:38:00+00:00

Yes, you can add a minimum cart amount in your funnels on which the custom funnel should trigger.

Can I add additional products and custom fields using shortcodes?2023-06-26T09:39:08+00:00

You can use the shortcodes [wps_form] and [wps_additional_offers] on the upsell offer page to add additional products and custom fields.

Still in doubt? Refer to our Knowledge Base and learn more about the WooCommerce Upsell plugin.


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