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Bookings for WooCommerce Pro


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Bookings for WooCommerce Pro

One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce Pro helps merchants to create exclusive post-purchase upsell offers. You can easily build highly responsive offer pages in just a few clicks. Customers can purchase the post-checkout offers in a single click without re-entering their payment information.

  • Triggers upselling WooCommerce funnels on target products or categories.
  • Creates category-based offers or product-based offers.
  • Accept payments from core payment gateways.
  • Build one-time upsell offers by major page builders with zero coding.
  • Show post-purchase upsell offers that your customers can grab in a single click.
  • No Recurring Payments
  • 1 Year Free Support
  • 24x7 Customer Care


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Bookings for WooCommerce Pro is an outstanding approach to turning your ordinary WooCommerce store into an effective booking solution provider. Making use of the plugin features, you can create an online booking system that caters to all your customer’s requirements with ease.

Required Scheduling Appointments & Bookings Support, We Got You Covered…

Get Bookings for WooCommerce Pro, and easily create an online booking system that provides versatile booking solutions with flexible booking slots, easy booking management, and a lot more.

Check Out the Prominent Benefits of Utilizing Bookings for WooCommerce Pro

Bookings for WooCommerce Pro turn your ordinary WooCommerce store into an effective booking solution provider. Making use of bookings plugin features, you can create an online booking system that caters to all your customer’s requirements with ease, it offers-

  • Booking list on WC Order Listing panel with Bookings tag.
  • Define the number of days for booking Cancellation/Processing.
  • Show/Hide booking Form details using render settings.
  • Early Bird Discount coupons are easily offered.
  • Pre-Booking email and SMS reminders for customers.
  • Booking Order Listing Calendar with comprehensive information.
  • Easily define booking Availability and Unavailability.
  • Customized Email/SMS Templates for different business types.

Top-Notch Features that Bookings for WooCommerce Pro Offers

1. Automated Booking Status Update

Using the plugin’s functionality, now you can effortlessly automate your customer’s booking request status.

In order to set up, navigate to the General Settings tab and utilize the two toggle alternatives available there, Change Status to Processing and Change Status to Cancelled, to specify the precise days.

2. Fully Configurable Date/Time of Bookings Start and End

Using the Availability Settings tab, admin managers can now easily configure the exact date/time of their booking’s Start and End conveniently.

Store owners can effectively define the available slots for the booking requests placed weekday-wise and month-wise that include specific day slots likewise Start, End, and Lunch Hours, and days timeframes, and also define Unavailable Days i.e. list of holidays for your bookings business.

3. Easy Booking Refunds with RMA

Customers whose booking requests have been canceled by the admin or cannot be fulfilled can receive overdue reimbursements or refunds with ease using the Bookings for WooCommerce PRO plugin.

Refunds can be managed manually or using the RMA Return Refund & Exchange For WooCommerce Pro plugin, which automates the process.

4. Booking Management on Behalf

Admin managers can now effortlessly manage their registered customers’ bookings on their behalf from the backend.

This option allows you to serve your customers, being their booking agents. To do so, you need to traverse towards the plugin’s back-end settings tab i.e. Add Booking Order, and easily manage your customer bookings.

5. Email/SMS Reminder for Bookings

Sending reminder emails and SMS on the day of your booking is available as a feature in the plugin.

The reminder email/SMS can be sent with ease utilizing the unique template and the shortcodes available on the WooCommerce bookings plugin backend Reminder Settings tab.

6. Define Global Cost Rules

Admin managers can now easily define multiple global rules for their booking product cost. In order to create such a rule, just traverse to the plugin’s Global Cost Rules tab in the backend.

Global Cost Rules defined can be applied for each and every booking service or product offered on your website utilizing the + Create New Rule button and delete using the X Delete Rule button.

7. Easy Facebook Sharing

Using the outstanding Integration Settings tab from the plugin backend, now you can effortlessly share your booking product using your Facebook handle with ease.
In order to make this sharing feature into action, create an Application in your Facebook Developer profile and input your credentials such as App ID, App Secret, and Access Token here in the Integration Settings tab.

Now, you can now easily share your booking solutions on Facebook and gain mass engagement with ease.

8. Unveil Booking Policy on Frontend

Admin managers can easily display their booking policies on the website along with the booking form.

To do so, they just require you to navigate- Plugin Settings > Booking Form Setting, turn on the Show Booking Policy toggle button, and then input your booking policies there in the Booking Policy text box.

9. Unpaid Bookings Rejections

Admin managers can now effortlessly reject their unpaid WooCommerce booking requests after a certain number of days. The General Settings tab’s Change Status to Cancelled toggle option can be used to enable this plugin’s functionality.

To cancel an unpaid reservation, just turn On the toggle and input the number of days required.

10. Booking Cancellation Allowed

Admin managers can easily offer booking cancellations for their customer’s bookings orders on specified order statuses by utilizing the Cancellation Allowed settings in the product backend.

You need to define the cancellation setting Order Status, so that whenever a customer places a booking cancellation request on that order status.

Facing some confusion? Learn more about the plugin from the Knowledge Base.

Compatibility Offered by the Plugin

The WooCommerce Return, Refund, and Exchange plugin has the following compatibilities and integrations-

  • WooCommerce Bookings plugin is compatible with WooCommerce RMA For Return Refund & Exchange PRO. With this compatibility, Customers whose booking requests have been canceled by the admin or cannot be fulfilled can receive overdue reimbursements or refunds with ease using the Bookings plugin.
  • The Bookings for WooCommerce is compatible with WordPress Multilingual i.e. WPML plugin and Multisite.

  • We have a Twilio SMS Reminder Service compatible with our plugin, you can integrate your Twilio credentials in the Integrations Settings tab and send SMS reminders using the service.


Is There a Setting in the Plugin Backend That Automates the Booking Status Update After a Specified Number of Days?2022-01-20T08:47:24+00:00

Yes, you can easily automate your customer booking request status utilizing the plugin features. To set up just head towards the General Settings tab and make use of the two toggle options available-

  • Change Status to Processing automatically updates the status to processing after specified days given in the text box below.
  • Change Status to Cancelled, which automatically updates the status to canceled after specified days given in the text box below.
Can We Show the Booking Policy to Our Customers?2022-01-20T08:48:12+00:00

Yes, admin managers can easily display their booking policies on the website, along with the booking form. To perform that, they are just required to head towards Plugin Settings > Booking Form Setting, enable the Show Booking Policy toggle button, and then set the booking policy in the textbox below that.

Is Your Bookings for WooCommerce Plugin Integrated With Facebook?2022-01-20T08:51:49+00:00

Yes, our Booking for WooCommerce plugin is integrated with Facebook and Twilio.

How Can I Send a Booking Reminder Through Text/SMS?2022-01-20T08:52:39+00:00

We have integrated our plugin with Twilio you can use Twilio to send SMS reminders for any booking.

How Can an Admin Share Booking Products on Facebook?2022-01-20T08:53:29+00:00

To share your booking products on Facebook, you are just required to utilize the settings in the Integration Settings tab in the plugin’s backend settings. Make sure you enable the Share on Facebook checkbox widget while creating a bookable product.

Is There Possibly a Way Through Which We Set Up the Number of Days to Send Pre-booking Reminder Emails/SMS?2022-01-20T08:54:00+00:00

Yes, admin managers can easily set the number of days for which pre-reminder emails/text messages should be sent. They are required to take advantage of the Reminder Settings tab in the plugin’s backend settings to implement that.

Can Admin Managers Customize Email/SMS Text Used for Sending Booking Reminders?2022-01-20T08:54:30+00:00

Yes, admin managers can easily customize the content for Email/SMS reminders. In order to modify the existing reminder template, they just need to utilize the Reminder Settings tab in the plugin backend.

Is the Reminder Text-SMS Customized Template Content Using Any Shortcodes or Placeholders?2022-01-20T08:55:19+00:00

Yes, we have provided some placeholders for this. Using placeholders like {booking-time} for booking starting-ending date-time, {booking-name} for booking-name, and {customer} for customer-name.

Is It Possible for an Admin Manager to Handle Bookings for Their Registered Customers From the Backend?2022-01-20T08:56:06+00:00

Yes, admin managers can easily take care of bookings for their registered customers from the website backend. For that, they are just required to navigate towards the plugin backend settings Add Booking Order tab and manage the bookings order.

How Can Customers Utilize the Plugin’s Features to Reschedule Their Booking Orders?2022-01-20T08:57:01+00:00

While creating a booking product, select the Rescheduling Allowed option and specify the order status in which the customer can reschedule the order.

Free vs Pro Comparison Features of Bookings for WooCommerce Pro

Features Free Version Pro Version
Booking Order Listing on WC Orders Table with Bookings Tag ✔️ ✔️
Can Offer Easy Booking Cancellation Requests ✔️ ✔️
Admin Confirmations for Booking Orders can be Defined ✔️ ✔️
Detailed Booking Order Listing Calendar ✔️ ✔️
Define Additional Booking Costs for Booking Products ✔️ ✔️
Restrict the Number of Bookings Orders to be Placed Per Day ✔️ ✔️
Specify Booking Start and End Availability Time Slots with Ease ✔️ ✔️
Early Bird Discount Coupons Easily Offered ✔️
Automated Booking Rejection after Defined Number of Days ✔️
Separate Booking Search Page using Widget Shortcode ✔️
Effortless Booking Rescheduling Offered ✔️
Create, and Manage Bookings for Customers like Agents. ✔️
Display Booking Policy on Booking Form ✔️
Easy Manual & Automated Refunds with RMA Plugin ✔️
Easy Booking Product Facebook Share ✔️
Smart Pre-Booking Email/SMS Reminders ✔️

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