WooCommerce Membership Website. A single answer to increasing your overall prospect engagement, revenue, profitability, and customer relationship. Keeping up with visitor’s engagement rate and satisfaction is a crucial aspect for a successful WooCommerce store.

When it comes to creating a membership website with WooCommerce, it is more rewarding. Out of all other business types, if you want to get the most out of your marketing efforts and services, the WooCommerce membership website is your way to go. This article will cover how easily you can start your membership website using one of the best membership plugins in two simple steps.

If you’re thinking of checking the demand for your products, this article could help: How to check eCommerce product market demand?

Understanding WooCommerce Membership Websites

Creating a WooCommerce membership website allows your visitors to pay for special access to your site content. You can establish user restrictions on several services or content in your store. These registered users on your membership store receive perks and benefits that are exclusive only for them.

That is to say, when you create a WordPress membership website; you are compiling an online community spotlighting exclusive and gated content to your community members. These members buy a specific type of membership plan and pay a recurring amount for it. You can include every kind of content, be it online courses or coaching, a private email subscription, or a physical product.

Creating a WordPress eCommerce membership website has more or less become a popular trend. Once you get the flow of your membership website, it’s like earning a passive income. WordPress membership websites are an efficient way of imparting knowledge with efficient revenue generation.

Membership For WooCommerce

Well if you haven’t yet thought of starting a membership model, then click on the free option. While if you want a seamless solution for your store, go for the best pro plugin.

Even before we learned to stay back home full time, membership websites were in vogue. People took gym, club, yoga & airline memberships, regularly bought milk, gas & groceries on special discounts. But, it is no lie that memberships, subscriptions, home deliveries, and digital payments gained significant popularity during the pandemic. Netflix and Amazon prime are live examples that not only cultivate huge income but are equally popular.

There are even membership-based gaming reward programs! Let’s not deviate from the topic. The WooCommerce store owners can permit their users to access special deals through membership plans. They can provide different levels of discounts to membership users. This process is the same as the general membership websites that offer courses and content. The only difference is that you can also sell physical goods.

Jog My Memory: How Is Subscription Any Different?

The first and best example that I can give you of a subscription service is the local newspaper. You get it every day and pay monthly. But isn’t subscription also a recurring revenue business model. Yes, it is.

Subscription For WooCommerce

Convert any part of your store to offer a subscription product or service. Start with a free solution or upgrade with the premium plugin.

Let’s start again. For instance, you subscribe to a local newspaper service and pay $10 monthly. $10 is your subscription amount. But, if you opt for a membership plan for the same newspaper service, you might be able to get a four-month subscription for, say, $30. Or whatever membership perks it might have.

membership benefits

Hence, a subscription is for all users, while membership is only for those who have signed up. However, subscriptions might also give some user discounts, but membership plans add to the benefits introduced at different levels. Users can upgrade these membership levels according to the needs of the users.

Hey Wait, Aren’t There Free Membership Websites?

free membership website

Source: Ace Hardware

Memberships are also offered for free. It doesn’t always have to be paid. For example, organizations offer free memberships:

  • For increasing their community and reaching out to a broader audience. Free memberships are comparatively more attractive for newbies who have never opted for any membership plans ever.
  • For targeting the free users to pitch for their premium WooCommerce membership plans, balancing and amplifying the paid membership benefits.
  • As an act of compassion, especially during and post COVID-19, since some people were earnestly trying to keep up their memberships. Free memberships played a role in brand loyalty.

Above all, a membership subscription website is a lucrative option for you. It’s just the right choice for networking opportunities, offering discounts, starting forums & discussions, increasing volunteers of non-profit organizations, and so on.

In a field as vast as eCommerce that is both competitive and potentially profitable, you might want to get all possible benefits of creating a WooCommerce membership website. So, you can even offer a free membership plan for your customers. I’ll tell you how, keep reading.

Types of WooCommerce Membership Websites

Talking about eCommerce membership and not mentioning the variations out there wouldn’t be fair. Creating a membership site gives you variations in types of memberships. When you create a membership website, it is different from the one you usually carry your business with. So, how many types of membership websites are popular? Here are a few membership website ideas:

membership site ideas

  • Firstly, you will find educational membership websites. It could be an online course—for instance, music, study, cooking, dance, reading, or crafts.
  • Secondly, some premium memberships allow you to connect with people—for example, LinkedIn.
  • Thirdly, you’ll find websites that deliver special bundles to members. Some WooCommerce Membership websites even send free trial goodies every month.
  • Finally, membership websites give special perks to membership owners. That could be any special offer users can avail themselves of in a limited period. Quite similar to the Amazon sales opening early only for prime members or Zomato Gold offering 50% off your orders.

But, why do people create membership sites? All these types of WooCommerce websites have several significant benefits.

Is WooCommerce Membership Website Worth It? How Much?

Whatever niche business, products, or services you might offer, memberships will add more value to it. What else? How can building a WooCommerce membership website benefit you? Create a WordPress membership website and:

  • Add recurring revenue as a part of or a total income creating a continuous portion of yields. This income can be for the stipulated time as per the user’s requirement. WooCommerce membership website helps you regulate balanced and recurring payments growing with every new member that joins your network. Moreover, if you couple them with advertising and affiliate sales, you can generate enough income from a membership website with WooCommerce.
  • Create a community of loyal customers. These loyal members receive all the best perks and advantages. As much as you need a membership program in your store, you also need a rewards system. Members can benefit from redeeming those points.

Points And Rewards For WooCommerce

Loyalize customers with the reward system in your store and force them to return and shop.

  • Establish Authority by creating multi-level membership plans. Believe it or not, creating restrictions on certain types of content and products by default brings in the thought of superiority among visitors. Achieve expertise in the type of products you sell and increase your value with your premium services and products.
  • Boost your email marketing while you create a membership website. You let people sign up and continue. To that end, they are also added to the list of your email marketing campaign. Now, the members are more likely to interact with your emails than other users. More excellent open rates mean higher chances of interaction with the desired action. All you need to do is set up a members list and create, share, and sell exclusive content.

Real-life examples of WooCommerce Stores Selling Memberships

If you want to take references of an eCommerce website that is also a WooCommerce membership store, here are a few successful examples.

How To Create A Membership Website Free? Use Membership For WooCommerce

After a great deal of knowledge about WooCommerce membership websites, let me finally reveal how to build a membership site with WooCommerce. When you use WooCommerce for your business, you get vast options for customization options along with a list of free plugins that can adorn your eCommerce store.

Create Your Members’ Community With Free Membership Plugin

To create a WordPress membership site, you need the free Membership for WooCommerce plugin. Out of so many options, this plugin guarantees you the best customer support and is the easiest to work with. Now let us know how and why you should use the free membership for WooCommerce.

How To Set Up Membership Site On WordPress?

Membership for WooCommerce

You can easily install Membership for WooCommerce from your WordPress admin panel. Go to Dashboard > Plugins > Add New. Search for the Membership for WooCommerce. Install and activate the plugin. Thereafter, you can successfully start a WooCommerce membership program in your store. For continuing with the features of the plugin. Navigate to MakeWebBetter > Membership for WooCommerce > General Settings.

How Does Membership For WooCommerce Help You?

Firstly, it is a free WooCommerce membership plugin. So, it gives you the liberty to sell memberships, products, and services at a zero investment. All you need to do is install the plugin. Moreover, any of the free WooCommerce membership plugins should be able to solve the following problems from your store.

Offer Multiple WooCommerce Membership Plans for Greater Attraction

You do not want users to turn away from your store because of expensive membership plans. Therefore, our WooCommerce membership plugin allows you to create multiple membership plans on your eCommerce store. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Membership > Add Membership Plans > Fill in the details like plan price, name, etc., and publish your membership plan. Similarly, you can create as many membership plans as you want.

WooCommerce membership plans

Control Access Of WooCommerce Membership Plans

This is a good one. Creating a WooCommerce membership website and selling memberships is one thing, but you would definitely want to control the access to membership plans. Using the free Membership for WooCommerce, you can provide members lifetime membership accessibility. Additionally, control the duration of access type from days, weeks, months, and years.Member access WordPress

Create Free Membership Plan for Customers

Remember we talked about gathering potential audiences by offering free membership plans? You can do that too. From Admin Panel > Memberships >Add Membership Plans. In the Membership plan amount enter price zero and publish the membership plan. In this way, you can sell memberships with minimal benefit for creating a customer for premium memberships too.

create membership plan

Moreover, if you don’t want to give away free memberships, you might also limit the access type to days or weeks.

Offer Different Products As Membership Items To Users

With membership plans, you would want to offer membership products and product categories. Select those products and product categories you want to restrict access to members only.membership products

Who doesn’t like WooCommerce Member Discount?

People sign up for memberships to avail themselves of the special perks and discounts. So, using our free membership plugin you can offer percentage or fixed price discounts on carts. Additionally, you can allow free shipping for members.members only discount

Memberships General Settings

The membership plugin supports shortcodes for single product page customization. When it comes to the general settings, membership for WooCommerce allows you to:

  • Enable or disable membership plans anytime
  • Delete data at uninstall
  • Show history to users so that they know their membership plan details. For example, when their membership plan is going to expire.

Besides, there is an option to import and export membership plans. When you have data that you can use, simply import! The data export option comes in handy when you want to save the data in a CSV file.

membership plan export importIf you want a free membership plugin that completes your basic needs, this is the perfect one. There is no other easier way to create a membership site. However, you can definitely get even better and magnified features in the pro version of this plugin. Let’s see how:

Build Premium WooCommerce Membership Website With Membership For WooCommerce Pro

With a little more investment, you can completely revamp your WooCommerce membership site. The Membership for WooCommerce Pro plugin comes in with multiple features that can drive higher revenue due to its ease of use and customer satisfaction. But, for using the pro plugin, you need to have the free Membership for WooCommerce plugin. Let’s see what added features make it your companion.

Membership For WooCommerce Pro

Membership Reports

As a store owner, membership reports help a lot. Other than complete member details, the membership reports allow the admin to quickly check the number of membership plans, total members, active membership users, pending members, and expired members on your WooCommerce membership website.

WooCommerce membership reports

Membership Emails

Every customer requires an email confirmation of their actions on an eCommerce store. It is just the same. Membership for WooCommerce pro lets you send out membership action emails for when

  • User successfully become a member of any membership plan
  • User cancels any membership plan
  • The user’s membership plan is going to expire
  • The user’s membership plan has been expired

membership emails

These emails can be customized and sent after scheduling it. Just set the number of days before which you want to send out emails from the general setting of the plugin.

membership site

Include Multiple Membership Plans In Single Membership Plan

This feature will attract more people to sign up for membership plans. For more significant benefits, the admin can include the benefits of multiple membership plans under a single one. Just input the name of the membership plan, and the user gets the use of both plans.

Create membership plans

Offer Particular Product Discounts

The Offer Section of the Membership for WooCommerce Pro has everything you need. You can select multiple products, product categories, and product tags for adding them to the membership plans. Moreover, you can allow discounts on all these selected products individually.

membership product

Override Membership Plan Accessibility

The Included Section of Membership for WooCommerce pro allows the admin to select the included pages, products, product categories, tags, posts, post categories, and post tags available under the membership plan.

membership product categories

Moreover, you can control the accessibility type of the membership plans. If you want to wait a specific time before giving access to the membership to the user, you can do that too.

restrict membership access

Membership Notice To Members

The Membership Feature Section allows you to offer free shipping, a members-only discount on the cart, and show notice to members. This notice could be any important information you want to display for members. And admin can hide these selected products from non-members too.

membership features

Extending Your Store With Us

We have created a clean Membership for WooCommerce plugin that helps you to create WooCommerce membership websites. You can effortlessly use it with all popular WooCommerce themes. And if you find it difficult to work out, you can without any hesitation contact us.

HubSpot Deals For WooCommerce Memberships

There are a few other integrations that will work perfectly with your WooCommerce store and improve its functionality. Check them out here: Free & Premium WooCommerce Plugins. I hope you definitely check out the Membership for WooCommerce before you create a membership website with WooCommerce. Any doubts just try the comment section below.

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

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