In your caffeine-packed daily routines, everyone is running just for more!

I am sure you must have challenged your potential, by extending your working hours, dropping plans, canceling your holidays or worse not available on your dates, etc. for the sake of meeting your sales targets.

But, the difference is not that giant to share.

Running an eCommerce store isn’t easy when you have multiple bulls to have horns with.

You better need time-saving tools, in WooCommerce that can increase overall productivity, with minimal manual actions, more automation, less error susceptibility, and more work efficiency.

Do you really need these tools in your online business?

If yes?

how can you select the best tools for your business, since there are many?

Before getting started with WooCommerce Automation Tools, you should know why it is necessary to have them.

Do You Really Need WooCommerce Automation?

When it comes to customer service, email automation, or fulfillment workflows, eCommerce marketers do not want to lose the human feel in their businesses, they actually want to be sure they are accurate with the figures.

In the same scenario, they forget that their day starts with wearing multiple hats at a time, which includes managing campaigns, promotions, marketing, and sales.

And, to manage all of these things, they need to collect data, plan out marketing campaigns, optimize product pages, advertise your stuff, run email marketing and do much more to sustain your business growth.

You need help from the right tools to automate your time-taking business processes, analyze and manage data to drive traffic, and earn more sales and revenue.

That is normal, you don’t need to spend your whole marketing spending strategies and plans to accomplish your business objectives. You just need better instruments(plugins) throat that will help you to accomplish more proficiency by spending less.

Sounds interesting?

Want to know more about how to automate WooCommerce-powered without spending pounds.

Top 8 Tools To Automate WooCommerce Store

1. Email Marketing Automation

Automating your WooCommerce marketing emails, wouldn’t actually mean email marketing. It has a lot more potential in it. If you are searching for a powerful email marketing solution to automate WooCommerce, then choosing a good email marketing tool for your business is the first thing to do.

HubSpot is one of the best email marketing tools for automating your business emails, building targeted workflows, and email campaigns.

The Future is all about having a good customer experience. In relation to that, it is very important to understand exactly what your customer wants, and when? Adding to that, their preferences can also be judged.

To automate WooCommerce stores, work with HubSpot campaigns, the HubSpot WooCommerce Integration extension would work great for you.

This extension helps you to utilize your WooCommerce data-related products, customers, and orders, by directly importing them to HubSpot CRM.

Not only this, but you can also create custom properties, money-making customer segments, highly targeted workflows to target your audiences with the best of sales and marketing emails.

2. Sales Reporting And Analytics

If you are using ideal WooCommerce Reports, it is not always an easy way to do that. These WooCommerce Reports are not enough.

It’s okay you are analyzing the sales report monthly, but product-wise, category wise, Etc. but If you want to analyze the customer’s behavior based on their onboard activity, you need a better solution!

HubSpot Reporting helps you turn your data into sales-oriented insights, which will help you to have a deeper understanding and knowledge of your marketing and sales performance.

HubSpot gives an edge for better Sales Reporting, by launching the HubSpot Ecommerce Bridge Application. This eCommerce interface gives you 7 Reports by default regarding the products, contacts, and orders.

In the eCommerce Dashboard, you get all the information at your fingertips. And that, information is customizable and gets updated too. Let me brief you, what are the 7 types of reports, you’ll get.

  • Product screenshot
  • New product processed summary
  • The average value of the order by source
  • The lifetime value of the order by source
  • Net new users vs. last month users
  • Productivity processed this month vs. goal
  • Abandoned cart reclamation

You can see the image below as an example.


Analyze your WooCommerce customers with these reports and get the best of eCommerce by automating the sales reporting with a customized HubSpot for WooCommerce.

3. Automated Refunds And Returns

To keep your orders moving and having customers in the loop, manage your orders by automating your Refund and Exchanges.

92% of customers will buy from you again if they will find the refunds and exchanges more easily. Because every customer

wants easy refund policies.


Starting to get a grasp on the perks to automate WooCommerce? Fantastic.

The real scenario is much more which purely states that refund and exchange are not just like an ancient barter system which was prevalent in Mesopotamia time-period. It is much deeper and now fully automated with Dokan.

Automated Refund and Exchange in WooCommerce can be a real boon for your eCommerce store if you select love for your business and don’t want to trouble your dear customers anymore. If you are an active marketer, you must have gone through RMA – Return Merchandise Authorization.

Want To Read More About RMA

Click Here

4. Order Management And Tracking

Those are all gone days when we used to manually manage all the stuff. At the very end of the month, you see how many conversions were made and how many of them were missed.

But, if you talk about recent years, it has been normalized to a very good extent. All the store orders can be divided into stages; you can monitor your sales and in-process conversions at a very moment.

You can easily manage all your orders by using a plugin like WooCommerce Order Tracker. This plugin will help you automate your WooCommerce store and let your customer know the order status of their ordered product and avoid getting unnecessary delivery inquiry calls.

Customers can track their shipments even if you use a third-party shipment service.


5. Customer Loyalty in WooCommerce

Do you know it is 6-7 times more costly and difficult to obtain another client than it is to keep one?

Customer loyalty programs help in keeping the customers engaged. It affects how likely your customers are to stick to your brand and the amount they spend on your store.


Popular WooCommerce extensions in this domain are Gift card solution, Points and Rewards solution, CRP (Coupon Referral Program).

You just can’t miss smart upsells that too come under customer loyalty. Upselling not only increases the average order value (AOV) but also gives your marketing the boost, it needs.

If you have a WooCommerce store, and you want to increase in-house customer spending, build stronger customer relationships, reward your customer with offers on exclusive products, offers, discount coupons, promotions, or pricing; and in return, the customer agrees to “go consistent” with your brand through repeat purchases or engagement.

6. Payment And Invoicing

Do your product deliveries lack an invoice from the order?

If yes, don’t let this happen again. Make your eCommerce and its branding with streamlined order statuses. For payments and invoicing, a wonderful option to have your invoices ready to get on-board will be PDF Invoice with Packing Slip.

For instance, see the image below.


At first instance, you may not find this extension super useful, but this is a crucial way to get your invoices watermarked, with your brand and products, with two templates intact.

7. Converting Checkout Management

69.57% of online shoppers have abandoned an order in the past quarter solely due to a “too long/complicated checkout process”.


If you consider “just browsing reason”, you will find 1 out of 4 shoppers have abandoned a cart due to a “too long/complicated checkout process in the last quarter.

So, if you think, a simple checkout page is going to work. No!

In this highly competitive world, if you want yourself to get ahead of the competition, you are required to do more! There are various Checkout extensions available to automate WooCommerce, which helps you to design checkout pages in a way, it attracts more visitors and more conversions, and fewer blackouts and abandonment.


Upsell Order Bumps: You can add special pre-checkout offers to your store customers who are just about to purchase products.

Converting Checkout Pages helps you create the most important pages of your eCommerce site based on the products you sell.

And get more sales by presenting the best checkout upselling offers to your customers, with a high degree of customization without hiring expensive developers.

One-Click Checkouts are the future, nobody wants too many pages, purchasing decisions don’t go long if anybody is interested in your product, he/she will not bother rather a pursue checkout.

8. WooCommerce Powered Shipments

To manage your shipments, there are various extensions available, Multiple Shipping Addresses for WooCommerce would help your customers to add multiple addresses to ship products to the required location.

If you want to get your shipments tracing, automated. You can choose the Shipping Map extension in WooCommerce. An excellent way to initiate every transaction of your store with the help of Google Maps.

And It’s Not The End.

If you are adding automation to your WooCommerce store, it can save you lots of time. Time is a precious commodity for store owners. Sometimes you never seem to have enough of it.

By finding, actualizing, and automating WooCommerce stores, you can dispense with various little yet tedious sales and marketing tasks from your day, giving yourself the opportunity to concentrate more on exercises that help your main concern.

You’ll likewise have the option to work out frameworks that consequently move information or help colleagues, regardless of what your needs are.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this WooCommerce automation world.

Have any questions for us? Leave them in the comments below and we’ll be there to answer at earliest.

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

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