Amongst the 42% of the sites online, WordPress is the most flexible one. It has always been evolving and is all set with its new trends for 2022. WooCommerce, on the other hand, is amongst the popular plugins on WordPress and has its own set of updates for the upcoming year. The WooCommerce trends are all set for a comeback. The dynamics of these online stores are quite complex and keep evolving every year with new updates like themes, plugins, and all types of visual editors.

As 2022 approaches us there are a lot of new updates and trends that you should know about but you should also be aware of the fact that the updates keep on improving for the betterment of the users. We will discuss these WordPress and WooCommerce Trends one after the other for the readers to analyze each one of them. We shall now discuss the WordPress trends that will be implemented by 2022.

Top WordPress Trends for 2022

wordpress version

wordpress version 2

Source: Web Technology Surveys

The website design and the development of this eCommerce platform changes pretty fast and quite drastically for us to keep up with all the updates and trends.

As a business owner, you must be aware of all the important updates that can help you to grow your enterprise and increase your sales and customer service conveniently. Let us now dive right into these trends!

1. Use of Augmented Reality

Augmented reality gained its popularity during the Covid-19 period and is seen ruling the business world ever since. It is an exciting technological advancement that has taken the world by storm. It improves the way individual shops and adds to their customer experience and satisfaction. Enterprises must implement this technological advancement in their stores because this would spike up their sales and will be profitable to them in the long run.

Ikea for example uses Augmented Reality in all its products to enhance the user’s experience. As you can see below.

augmented reality

Source: Digital Training Academy

It is very obvious from the above-mentioned point that Augmented reality is here to stay and will be seen dominating all the business houses in 2022!

2. Voice Search Will Become an Integral Part


voice search queries

Source: Campaign

Most individuals search for a variety of things online. Some of them type manually and others use the voice search feature. In a survey, it was revealed that about 42% of users prefer using voice searches to manually typing the query.

Technology has evolved a lot, and it’s high time we finally face it. Alexa and Siri are used by thousands of people every day because they make our lives easy and convenient. Individuals are using it, and we’re making it a habit. As a business owner, you must provide them with what they need, just to optimize their journey on your platform. If you provide them with their requirements they will visit your site more frequently, thus increasing the rate of sales. This trend will help you ace your game. So keep a close eye on this particular trend.

You can read more about how voice searches can be used to optimize SEO.

3. Performance Improvements

The most important thing that improves the traffic of your website is to ensure that it is performing well. Thumb-scrolling has gained popularity amongst the millennials. WordPress has designed all its themes to be mobile-friendly and easily accessible. There selected themes that are optimized for mobiles. Smart content loads enable the websites to take load only for the content that requires it. This increases the speed of the website and makes the website fast. Losing the traffic on the website is that one thing that you can not afford to happen. Hence, it is advised to implement this trend as soon as possible.

This trend was a hit in 2021 and 2022 will not be an exception!

4. Content-Based on Geo-Location and Browsing History

Posting generic data on your website is quite mainstream. This won’t drive the traffic to your website and your website won’t be up on Google’s search results page as well. On the other hand, if you use content based on geo-location or based on the browsing history of the customer, they will get personalized content and will also feel heard. As a business house, you will end up driving enough traffic to your website which will increase your revenue.

This 2022 trend is a win-win situation for both the enterprise as well as the users visiting your website. Grab on to this and implement it instantly!

5. Chatbots & Virtual Assistants

As discussed above, technological advancements have allowed large-scale business houses to enhance customer satisfaction. The introduction of chatbots and virtual assistants is an example of such technological advancement. By using chatbots you can provide the users with 24/7 support assistance. This eliminates the need to hire a workforce to do this job manually. This saves a lot of time and effort for individuals.

You also have the complete liberty to update these from time to time as per your convenience.

6. Drag and Drop Page Builders

“Design is the backbone of a good website”, this applies to all kinds of websites. There are times when individuals are not aware and have no knowledge about coding. How will they implement designs to their websites? The answer is simple, with drag and drop page builders. This allows the users to create pages according to their preferences with complete ease.

With more than 8 layouts and 1000 design options. This trend is all set to rule 2022!

Top WooCommerce Trends for 2022

It was revealed in a survey that, amongst 93.7% of the market share, WooCommerce is the most used plugin and is widely preferred. WooCommerce is a free plugin that is used by a lot of websites on WordPress. It is flexible and provides eCommerce shop owners with a variety of options that makes online business easy for them.

The upcoming year is filled with a lot of new WooCommerce trends and updates for the users. We take the responsibility of making them aware of these new updates so that they can use these for the betterment of their enterprise.

7. Improved Mobile Shopping Experience


ecommerce growth

Source: Real Touchpoints

You’ll be surprised to know that the results of a recent survey conducted showed that about 34% of individuals use mobile devices to make online purchases on different eCommerce platforms. Amongst all the WooCommerce trends, this focus on improving the mobile shopping experience. The eCommerce platform needs to improve and enhance the mobile shopping experience. This means that the owners must pay close attention to optimizing the mobile pages. Load time is also significant when it comes to shopping through mobile phones. Fortunately, there are a lot of themes that WooCommerce has to offer to enhance the user experience. We will talk about three of the important themes today!

  • Flatsome

This theme plays an integral role in the drag and drop page builder feature of WordPress. This enables the users to smoothly create beautiful pages. They can use this theme to make responsive eCommerce stores that work well on mobile devices.

  • Woostroid

The main objective of this update is to improve and make web pages responsive to all mobile devices. This is a fast-loading theme that is the perfect solution for increasing the traffic on your website.

  • Kallyas

This theme allows you to make responsive web pages with complete ease.

8. Improvised Product Pages

We have discussed the use of augmented reality as a WordPress trend. Woocommerce is one of the popular WordPress plugins. This updated technology has made the eCommerce shop owners improvise their product pages as well. The users can now provide 360-degree images on their online stores. This allows the users to get 360-degree dynamic on all the listed products.

This is one of the star features and you can expect more of these in 2022!

9. Customizable Shopping Experience

AR and VR are all set to rule 2022, but it is also being observed that personalized and customized shopping experiences are also gaining popularity. To understand this better, a customized shopping experience is not just about calling your customers by their names. It is about knowing your user’s locations, shopping preferences, and language that they use. All this collected information can be then used to provide them with a customized shopping experience.

Luckily, WooCommerce has specialized themes that would allow you to do this. Some of them are listed below:

  • WooCommerce Extra Product

This extension allows the users to make customizations to their purchased products. They can customize the products as per their requirements.

  • Multilingual Press

This extension gives you the ability to speak your audience’s language. You can translate your product descriptions and other content that is present on your page very easily.

  • WooCommerce Darwin Pricing Integration

You can add geo-targeted coupons and tracking codes to your products by using the WooCommerce darwin pricing integration theme.

10. Distinctive eCommerce Platforms to Grab the User’s Attention

Aesthetic and minimalist designs are here to stay. The owners will be seen using high saturation and eye-catching colors for the designs of their websites to attract more traffic to their website and also to make their website gain new customers and retain the existing ones. The main goal is to make enough conversions.

11. Interfaces for Customer Satisfaction

As we know by now that “Customer is the king”. And while talk about the WooCommerce trends we can not forget about them. Their happiness and satisfaction are the bottom lines for all the updates and trends. Chatbots are here! Yes, you heard it right! Artificial intelligence is here to stay and this is something that we have established through the previous points. Chatbots are easily accessible and are available 24/7.

There are a lot of chatbot plugins that work hand-in-hand with WooCommerce.

  • Facebook Messenger for WooCommerce

Facebook messenger is becoming a popular choice of selection when it comes to chatbots. You can use BotMyWork to Integrate your WooCommerce store with it.

  • Omise

This is another integration that integrates your WooCommerce online stores with Facebook messenger very easily.

  • WooWBot

Talking about chatbots we can not leave WooWBot the standalone chatbot that works independently through the WooCommerce platform.


To conclude, these were some of the WordPress and WooCommerce Trends that are all set to make an appearance in 2022. eCommerce should be aware of these beforehand because it would be easy to implement them later on. As a eCommerce shop owner you must give the best to your customers and stay ahead of the competition it is advised to keep a close eye on these trends and implement them as soon as possible!

Need Help in Setting Up your WordPress WooCommerce Website?

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

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