Do you have all the necessary holiday sales plugins to meet the marketing needs of the upcoming holiday season in midst of the COVID crisis? 

In the COVID crisis, online businesses have survived and thrived, whereas brick-and-mortar stores have closed in. Both the first and the second waves have disrupted our lives, but things will get back to normal with the vaccination program in action. 

COVID cases are on the rise again in many countries in the world, including the U.S. People have no choice but to rely on eCommerce stores to purchase holiday goods. 

You might be worried that people, under the looming threat of the 3rd wave, would be reluctant to celebrate and refrain from holiday shopping.

But suffering from months of isolation from lockdown and restrictions, everyone is looking for a reason to smile. And the coming festive season is going to bring smiles to their faces. 

Shopping on holidays is ritualistic. It’s beneficial for customers and shoppers alike. Customers get tons of lucrative offers and deals and businesses get tons of new customers. 

The holiday season tests a business’s ability to scale and grow with the increasing demands and encourages creative marketing. 

So, as a WooCommerce store owner, what can you do to capitalize on this holiday season’s sales opportunity? 

You need to prepare yourself for the influx of customers by installing the WooCommerce plugins that improve the performance of your online store and drive more holiday sales.

In this article, I’ve compiled a list of the best WooCommerce holiday sales plugins for you to choose from. 

Table of Contents

  1. WooCommerce Ultimate Gift Cards
  2. Points and Rewards for WooCommerce
  3. Wishlist for WooCommerce
  4. Subscriptions for WooCommerce
  5. WooCommerce Buy One Get One (BOGO)
  6. Discount Win-Wheel for WooCommerce
  7. WooCommerce Wallet System
  8. WooCommerce RMA for Return Refund & Exchange
  9. WooCommerce Upsell Order Bump Offer Pro
  10. HubSpot for WooCommerce
  11. Coupon Referral Program
  12. WooCommerce One-Click Upsell Funnel Pro
  13. WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery
  14. WooCommerce Partial COD
  15. Membership for WooCommerce
  16. Invoice System for WooCommerce
  17. WooCommerce One Click Order Re-Order
  18. Order Tracker for WooCommerce

1. WooCommerce Ultimate Gift Cards 

Gifting is a complex process. To decide the gift, one has to analyze the recipient’s choices, occasion, finances, needs, wants, and million different variables. 

To simplify this process, gift cards were introduced. 

Gift cards are a form of pre-loaded credit card that users can use to purchase products and services. It sells year-round but in the holiday season, gift cards become extremely popular. 

It is widely used and an ever-growing business. Adding it to your online store will only increase your holiday season sales.

MakeWebBetter has the perfect solution for you. 

holiday season gift cards

Ultimate WooCommerce Gift Cards plugin helps merchants to create, sell & manage gift cards on their WooCommerce store. With this plugin, the admin can customize gift card templates, send Gift Card coupon codes as QRCode/BARCode, create reusable gift cards, and send balance notifications to the customers.

Let’s take a detailed look at the features of our plugins: 

  • Refund or Cancel the Gift Card Product
  • Personalized Gift Certificates
  • Sell/ Redeem/ Recharge Gift Cards
  • Schedule Gift Card Delivery
  • Multiple Pricing Options
  • Automated Balance Updates
  • Import/Export Gift Cards
  • 20+ Predefined Gift Card Templates

WooCommerce Ultimate Gift Cards

Visit the product page and purchase the plugin. Read the documentation to learn more. Or try the demo.

2. Points and Rewards for WooCommerce

Rewarding positive behavior is an age-old psychological trick. It utilizes Positive reinforcement to promote certain customer behaviors in your online store.

In the festive season, customers are always expecting rewards or offers. It is the perfect time to loyalize your customers and turn them into your brand advocates.

Points and Rewards for WooCommerce is a gamification plugin that allows you to implement a point-based loyalty program to reward your customers. 

It lets your customers earn points for different actions like Sign Up, Referrals, Reviews, purchases, etc. They can also redeem points as discounts and use the generated coupons to purchase your products. 

You can also implement a gamified reward-based system and increase your online store’s brand loyalty, customer retention, and drive the holiday season sales like the prominent online stores.

Similarly, you can use the Point and Rewards for WooCommerce plugin to implement a point-based reward system on your WooCommerce store. 

festive points and rewards

Major features of the PAR plugin include: 

  • Sign Up Points
  • Referral Purchase Point
  • Review/Comments Points
  • Points For Selected User Role Only
  • Points On Order Total
  • Reset Customer Points Log

The usability of our plugin is unmatched. It offers 25+ features at the most affordable price plans. You can reward your customers for several actions and keep them loyal without much effort. 

Button line: Point and Rewards for WooCommerce is a must-have holiday sales plugin. 

Points And Rewards for WooCommerce

Visit the product page to purchase the plugin. Read the documentation to learn more. Or try the Demo.

3. Ultimate Wishlist for WooCommerce 

Wishlists consist of products that customers save in their account with the desire to buy them at a later time. The users can share their Wishlist with friends, family, and followers and request them to buy the saved items and grant their wish. 

Every major eCommerce website provides a wishlist feature mainly because products added in the wishlist are eventually purchased by customers or their knows which increases conversion rates and adds more users to your store and also acts as a reminder for customers.  

In the holiday season, users frequently share their wishlists. Thus, creating a sales opportunity for you. 

That’s why the Ultimate Wishlist for WooCommerce plugin is included in the holiday sales plugin list. 

Wishlist for holiday season

You can use the Wishlist for WooCommerce plugin to enable your customers to create their wishlist. Look at the amazing features of our plugins. 

  1. Add wishlist feature
  2. Automatically build wishlist page
  3. Set wishlist popup
  4. Set and customize wishlist button/icon
  5. Send push notification
  6. Shareable wishlist
  7. Buyers can invite family and friends
  8. Attach comments to wishlist Products
  9. Buyers can purchase any product for wishlist anytime

Ultimate Wishlist for WooCommerce

Interested? Download the plugin. Read the documentation to learn more. Or try the Demo.

4. WooCommerce Subscriptions PRO

A subscription model is a system where the merchants provide goods and services to their subscribers (customers) periodically at a fixed or flexible price.

Ecommerce stores have implemented the subscription model for business and are benefiting greatly from it.  Birchbox, Dollar Shave Club, Just Fab, etc, are some examples of popular eCommerce subscriptions. 

During the Covid-19 crisis, the subscriptions business boomed significantly because people couldn’t go out and only subscription models could maintain a periodic supply of goods for their sustenance.  

So why do subscriptions work so well? 

The most successful brands allow customers to manage their subscriptions. The offered flexibility enables customers to pause, upgrade, renew, or cancel their subscriptions whenever they want. 

Second, allow customers to have the ability to transfer their subscriptions. And lastly, businesses also offer a monthly subscription for free or other incentives to new customers. 

So, which holiday sales plugin can help you sell subscriptions on your online store? 

WooCommerce Subscriptions PRO allows WooCommerce merchants to provide their products or services regularly through subscription programs. Thus, helping in collecting the recurring revenue of your store. 

woocommerce subscriptions for holiday sales

Our plugin can create subscription programs for a variety of businesses like streaming services,  gym services, monthly allowance dealers, milk services, online courses, etc. 

Features for WooCommerce Subscriptions PRO: 

  • Provide WooCommerce subscription free of cost on products
  • Give free trials of subscription-based products and services
  • Set the frequency and limit free subscription product
  • Charge initial fees on subscriptions
  • Cancel WooCommerce subscriptions anytime
  • Full control of subscriptions management

WooCommerce Subscriptions Pro

Visit the product page to download the plugin. Read the documentation to learn more. Or try the Demo.

You can offer your holiday sales plugins as subscriptions and ensure recurring revenue. It will increase the return on customer acquisition costs and help you predict the revenue generation of your woocommerce store. 

5. WooCommerce Buy One Get One Free (BOGO)

Giving out unrefusable offers is a custom of holiday marketing. You can sell a record number of WooCommerce plugins during this period. But to organize and implement such deals, you need a powerful plugin.

Enter, WooCommerce Buy One Get One Free (BOGO) plugin.

It allows merchants to create different BOGO free or discount offers for every single product, product category, or cart total.

Offers and discounts are effective as they encourage users to purchase more than what they normally would. With our plugin, merchants can set different rules to offer the additional product(s) for free, with some percent off, or a specific amount. 

BOGO plugin is one of the most applicable holiday sales plugins as it enables you to create irresistible festive offers that can drive massive sales. 

Let’s look at the features of WooCommerce Buy One Get One (BOGO):

  • Create offers as per the product category
  • Admin can create offers on every product
  • Offer a product for a discount upon a set quantity of a product
  • Flexible ‘shortcode’ to display offer
  • Offer on reaching definite cart order subtotal
  • Works in different languages

WooCommerce Buy One Get One (BOGO)

Visit the product page to purchase the plugin. Read the documentation to learn more. Or try the Demo.

6. Discount Win-Wheel for WooCommerce 

Online stores are designed to grab users’ attention and drive engagement. But sometimes the traditional tricks don’t work, which makes online shopping a bit boring. 

In such a case, eCommerce stores can use gamification to “make shopping fun again”. 

Gamification is the implementation of game elements for non-gaming activities. It adds the element of fun to mundane activities. 

You can add popular game elements such as the progress bar, reward points, badges, contests, performance graph, and gamified popup to your WooCommerce store.

holiday sales spin wheel

Discount Win-Wheel for WooCommerce plugin adds a gamified popup (spin and win game) to engage your customers and guests. 

It enables them to test their luck and win a discount coupon on a successful spin. To spin the wheel, they only have to enter their valid email addresses. 

Come to think of it, Discount Win-Wheel is a holiday sales plugin that can blend in with the festive themes and gives a moment to relive the experience of going to a theme park during the holiday season. 

Our gamification plugin increases engagement generates quality leads and promotes sales for your WooCommerce store.

It has the following powerful features: 

  • Customize Wheel Segments
  • Detailed User List
  • Coupon Code Generation
  • Send Coupon Codes Via Emails
  • Attractive and User-friendly Layout
  • Discount Wheel Icon Location
  • Win-Wheel Pop-up customization
  • Set Coupon Usage And Expiration limit
  • Select A Favourable Segment
  • Spin Time limit On Email
  • Coupon Usage Limit For the User

Discount Win-Wheel for WooCommerce

Visit the product page to download the plugin. Read the documentation to learn more. Or try the Demo.

7. WooCommerce Wallet System 

Digital wallets are the most preferred payment method in the world. During the pandemic, people have heavily relied on digital wallets to pay for products and services. People of all age groups are extremely familiar with it.

You can also provide a similar experience to your customers with a digital wallet system.

It is an in-store digital wallet service that only registered customers can use to purchase your products and services.

A digital wallet for WooCommerce has benefits such as minimization of the transaction costs, faster checkout process, enhanced security and lower risks, and improved user experience. 

You can use the WooCommerce Wallet System plugin to enable your registered customers to purchase your products and services using the digital wallet amount.

With this plugin, you can add or remove funds from customers’ wallets in bulk, view & download wallet transaction history, and send email notifications to customers. 

Important Features of WooCommerce Wallet System:

  • Wallet Amount Widget
  • Wallet User Invite
  • Generate Wallet QR Codes
  • Wallet Transaction History for Customers
  • Maximum/Minimum Wallet Recharge Limit
  • Download the Wallet Transaction History
  • Add or Remove Wallet Balance

WooCommerce Wallet System

Visit the product page to download the plugin. Read the documentation to learn more. Or try the Demo.

8. WooCommerce RMA for Return Refund & Exchange

Return, Refund, and Exchange are stark realities of running an eCommerce store. They are inevitables that store owners try their best to avoid. At some point, you have to deal with them. 

The Store that doesn’t have any structured process to deal with these requests is at a significant disadvantage because they have to manually allocate their precious resources. It’s a complete mess. Plus, you can even accept invalid requests and end up losing money.

That’s why it is essential to automate and structurize the process of return, refund & exchange. 

How do you do that?

woocommerce rma WooCommerce RMA Plugin provides an easy refund, exchange, and cancel request interface for the purchased product to customers/guest users. Admin would have full authority to restrict the entertainment of invalid requests. 

Major features of our plugin: 

  • Compatibility With Ultimate WooCommerce Gift Cards
  • Integration For Return Ship Label With ShipEngine & ShipStation
  • Automated Refund Feature
  • Automated Email Notifications
  • Customize Refund/Order Button Text
  • Customize Your Emails With Shortcodes

And so much more. 

WooCommerce RMA For Return Refund & Exchange

Visit the product page to download the plugin. Read the documentation to learn more. Or try the Demo.

WooCommerce RMA plugin process requests faster and makes your customers happy and reduces post-purchase complications. 

9. WooCommerce Upsell Order Bump Offer Pro

Order bumps are digital stickers that showcase product offers on the checkout page. They usually show complementary products or services to increase the total cart value.  

Using order bumps is a catchier form of upselling. It sells because it adds to the normal value of products, enabling easier purchase, and engages users.

In the holiday season, it is used extensively to boost sales. 

To implement this holiday marketing method, you need the WooCommerce Upsell Order Bump Offer Pro plugin. 

It displays order bump offers on the checkout page. Customers can add this offer to the existing order by just ticking a checkbox without leaving the checkout page. Admin can select simple, variable products, or subscription products and categories to show discounted order bump offers for relevant target products. 

The reason behind this holiday sales plugin’s effectiveness is that it offers the next best thing that people always want to purchase. 

Major features of the WooCommerce Upsell Order Bump Offer Pro Plugin:

  • Special Offer – On Checkout Page
  • Multiple Order Bumps
  • Order Bump Behavioral Analytics
  • Just a precious single click to accept the offer
  • Support For Major Product Types
  • Order Bump Sales Reports
  • Template Customization with Live Preview

WooCommerce Upsell Order Bump Offer Pro

Visit the product page to download the plugin. Read the documentation to learn more. Or try the Demo.

10. HubSpot Integration for WooCommerce 

The customer is the king. And the prosperity of your online store depends on how well your relationship goes with your customers. 

To grow this relationship, you use customers’ data. When you don’t have a large enough user base at the starting stage, things go smoothly. But as your customers increase, management becomes difficult. 

To ensure the effective management of your WooCommerce store, a CRM is required. 

CRM stands for customer relationship management. It is a centralized software system for managing relationships with your customers.

Benefits of using HubSpot CRM: 

  • Improved customer relationships.
  • Centralized management of customer data. 
  • HubSpot CRM has a free version.
  • It reduces cost and manual efforts.

hubspot woocommerce integration
MakeWebBetter offers the HubSpot Integration for the WooCommerce plugin, the easiest way to connect HubSpot with your WooCommerce store. 

Features of HubSpot Integration for WooCommerce

  • Sync WooCommerce data to HubSpot
  • Comprehensive customer profiles
  • Powerful list segmentation
  • Track and recover abandoned Carts
  • Email marketing and marketing automation
  • Ecommerce analytics
  • Ad creation and management made easy

HubSpot for WooCommerce

Interested? Download the plugin for FREE. Read the documentation to learn more.

It has over 10000+ active installations making it one of our most successful integration plugins. The best part is that it is completely FREE. 

Bottom line: Effective store management is the best way to ensure optimum holiday season sales. 

11. Coupon Referral program

coupon referral program


The coupon referral program is a gamification plugin as it develops a reward-based marketing system on your WooCommerce Store. 

Referral marketing uses their existing customers’ recommendations and word of mouth for product promotion. 

Merchants essentially reward customers with a discount coupon in return for product promotion. It works better than conventional advertising because people trust the product recommendations of their friends and family over any form of ad.

Also, it helps online stores to earn loyal customers, improve customer engagement and increase sales.

Here is a list of amazing features of the Coupon Referral Program for WooCommerce plugin: 

  • Provide sign-up discount coupons to all types of customers.
  • Add a pop-up image and animation over the referral discount coupon.
  • Specify coupon types for both referrers and referred customers.
  • Allow sharing on Facebook, Twitter, and Email.
  • Customize your referral coupon and the pop-up button.
  • Shortcode [crp_popup_button] to show the referral button.
  • Acquire a detailed coupon report.
  • Fully compatible with WooCommerce Points & Rewards.
  • Include or exclude products from the coupon referral program.
  • Set the minimum and maximum amount spent on referral discount coupons’ redemption. 

Coupon Referral Program

Visit the product page to download the plugin. Read the documentation to learn more. Or try the Demo.

12. WooCommerce One-Click Upsell Funnel Pro

Upselling is the process of suggesting a product of higher value or an upgrade to customers’ to increase the value of the shopping cart. It’s usually a better version of the product that the customer originally intended to purchase.

For example, Amazon shows more expensive monitors (upselling) if you are buying a monitor/desktop to increase your order value. 

To implement this marketing method on your online store you need WooCommerce One-Click Upsell Funnel Pro. 

Upsell this holiday season


One-Click Upsell Funnel Pro plugin helps merchants to make post-purchase offers that users can buy in one click without re-entering payment details. Let’s look at some of its major features:

  • Create product-specific offer pages
  • Pre-defined offer templates
  • Create unlimited funnels with an unlimited number of offers
  • Accept payments from multiple payment gateways
  • Responsive offer pages
  • Funnel sandbox mode

WooCommerce One Click Upsell Funnel Pro

Visit the product page to download the plugin. Read the documentation to learn more. Or try the Demo.

With this holiday sales plugin, you can create customizable and responsive pages that align with the theme of your brand using major page builders. You can also create interactive pages based on the holidays to display your products whilst maintaining the consistency of the user experience. 

13. WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery

Cart abandonment is a common problem most online store owners face. The average documented online shopping cart abandonment rate is 69.80%. 

Abandoned carts are nothing but a missed sales opportunity. You can prevent users from abandoning their carts and also encourage them to return to complete the purchase process.

To lower your cart abandonment rate, you need the WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery plugin.

abandoned cart recovery


It offers cart recovery for merchants by sending emails to remind them of their cart items. It creates cart abandoned cart workflow and advanced reports on abandoned users. 

Major features of the plugin: 

  • Email popup on Add To Cart button.
  • Capture customer email at checkout.
  • Get a complete list of abandoned carts.
  • Win-back unregistered users as well.
  • Support for variable products.
  • Get notification when an abandoned cart is recovered and the purchase is made.
  • Customizable workflow for abandoned carts.
  • Advance reports for abandoned products.
  • Disable tracking for selected user roles.

WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery

Visit the product page to download the plugin. Read the documentation to learn more. Or try the Demo.

Abandoned Cart for WooCommerce is an extremely useful holiday sales plugin. It revives lost sales opportunities, lowers the cart abandonment rate, increases the sale of your products, improves the customer-seller relationship, and the overall user experience.

14. WooCommerce Partial COD

Online shopping is a complex network of different systems working together to provide the best shopping experience.

Online shopping is better than conventional shopping in many ways, but it faces serious problems like managing delivery, preventing fraud, thefts, fake orders, etc. 

Most of these issues directly impact the revenue streams and increase the financial load of running an online store.

It is even worse for stores that offer free delivery or cash-on-delivery services. 

So, what’s the solution? 

partial deposit


WooCommerce Partial COD charges a partial amount at the checkout to build authentic order confirmation and restricts the creation of fake orders. It ensures genuine order placement and provides reliable data of all partial COD orders. 

It protects your WooCommerce store from fake orders and reduces the financial strain of fulfilling COD orders. 

These are the major features of our plugin: 

  • Set Deposit Type For Partial COD Orders
  • Supports Payment Gateways
  • Set User Roles for COD orders
  • Partial Payment By Coupons
  • Force Partial COD

WooCommerce Partial COD

Visit the product page to download the plugin. Read the documentation to learn more. Or try the Demo.

It will significantly reduce the risks involved in providing shipping services and improve the security of your online store.

Most people purchase frequently during the holiday season. So, Instead of entering payment details each time, they can pay from their WooCommerce wallets and save time. It is the fastest payment method for your customers. 

15. Membership for WooCommerce

Membership is the fact of belonging to a group. It is deeply ingrained in the human psyche. Most people want to belong to some group, cult, or organization. It gives them a sense of security and achievement. 

Using this concept, you can offer paid membership on your online store to ensure recurring revenue and loyalize your customers.

Membership for WooCommerce plugin allows you to create a membership system where you can sell membership subscriptions, grant access to gated content, product, or services, and offer member-exclusive discounts. 

membership during holiday season

The Features of Membership for WooCommerce:

  • Complete User Membership History and WooCommerce Membership Details of Customers
  • Membership for WooCommerce User Data Export and Import
  • Shortcodes For Your Membership Plan Page Customization
  • Discount on Membership for WooCommerce User Cart Total
  • Membership for WooCommerce Details and Plan Creation

Membership for WooCommerce

Visit the product page to download the plugin. Read the documentation to learn more. Or try the Demo.

With our membership, you can nurture members of your membership program with exclusive deals and discounts. Plus, you export and use the membership data to lead your other marketing campaigns. 

16. Invoice System for WooCommerce

An invoice is a financial document that validates a sales deal between a business and a client. Businesses generate invoices to receive payments from their clients. 

Creating and sending invoices requires absolute attention to details and time. Clients also take their time to process and pay the outstanding amount. 

You need to automate the process of invoice generation to reduce payment delays and streamline the cash flow during the holiday season. 

Store owners who are looking to organize eCommerce holiday sales need a solution. 

Well, I have a solution for you, which is FREE. 

Invoice System for WooCommerce 

This plugin automatically generates WooCommerce PDF invoices and attaches them to the related WooCommerce emails. It also helps the business houses to generate invoices in bulk. Moreover, it offers multiple templates and additional customization features. 

Features of Invoices System for WooCommerce: 

  • Manage Plugin General Setting & Invoice Settings Separately
  • Pre-built Invoice Templates
  • Add Company Name to Invoices
  • Share Invoices via Email
  • Customizable Invoice Number
  • Easy Downloading of PDF Invoices

There are several more features to explore. 

Invoice System for WooCommerce

Visit the product page to download the plugin. Read the documentation to learn more. Or try the Demo.

Without our plugin, you can drastically reduce the time and manpower taken to manually create invoices. And prepare your store for the holiday sales. 

17. WooCommerce One Click Order Re-Order

People don’t normally buy for themselves in the holiday season, but mostly they buy for their dear ones. 

The bigger the circle, the more gifting opportunities there are. To reduce the complexity of gifting, most customers select a product and buy two or 3 units of it. Or purchase it on repeat according to their needs.

However, to purchase the same product again, they have to enter their account information and payment details every time. This creates a conundrum. 

Having to enter too many forms results in users’ getting frustrated and abandoning their carts, which ultimately leads to loss of sales. 

So, what’s the solution? 

one click reorder

WooCommerce One Click Order Reorder extension helps merchants to allow their customers to place the previously placed orders, again and again, irrespective of the order status. Customers can re-order products with a single. 

Let’s look at the major features of the plugin: 

  • Placed Order Updation
  • Add Basket for Customers 
  • Exclusion-Inclusion of Product from the basket
  • Re-Order Placed Orders

WooCommerce One Click Order Re-Order

Visit the product page to download the plugin. Read the documentation to learn more. 

This plugin will boost your sales during the holiday season by making the repeat purchase of your products easier. If you wanna learn more about the plugin, then read the documentation. 

18. WooCommerce Order Tracker

The current number of online shoppers is 230.5 million. These figures are projected to grow even larger.  (Source – Statista)

In the 2021 holiday season, you will have a massive number of orders to fulfill. Shoppers want faster deliveries of their orders and the ability to track shipments. They are eager to know every step of the product delivery process until it arrives at their home.

A good order management system should be able to track orders, locate inventory, manage returns, and fulfill orders. To reduce friction between your and your customers, it’s important to have order tracking software at your store.

Holiday sales order tracking


WooCommerce Order Tracker lets customers track their orders with popular shipment tracking services like FedEx, Google Maps, USPS, etc. This tracking system keeps the customers aware of their WooCommerce order status. They can track their orders using the order numbers and tracking URLs. 

What does this plugin do?

  • Provides complete order tracking from creation to delivery
  • Includes order tracking templates that can be customized
  • The shoppers acquire product status information as [Accepted, In-Process, Shipped, Delivered, Completed]
  • Uses Google maps for tracking
  • Creates unlimited custom order status
  • Third-party shipping tracking 
  • Tracking information with an estimated delivery date

WooCommerce Order Tracker

Visit the product page to download the plugin. Read the documentation to learn more. Or try the Demo.

These holiday sales plugins will make your product delivery process more transparent and quench the curiosity of your customers. Therefore, it will improve the user experience and make your brand more trustworthy.

So, these were the plugins to drive more holiday sales in 2021. They will also improve your brand’s image, attract new customers, and open new streams of revenue for your business.

Almost all of these plugins are paid but you can download the free version as well from MakeWebBetter’s WordPress profile. 

Note: There are free versions of holiday sales plugins listed here. You can download them from MakeWebBetter’s WordPress profile. 

Final Words 

The holiday season is the most crucial time for online stores. To win your customers, you have to handle data, reduce fraud, track sales, orders, inventory, offer gift cards, rewards, run remarketing campaigns, and plan according to holiday shopping insights. 

But all that is impossible to accomplish with extending your WooCommerce store. That’s why I have compiled a list of holiday sales plugins that would help you scale your store in the holiday shopping season. 

I hope these top WooCommerce plugins will help you get the most out of your holiday marketing campaigns and add snow to Christmas celebrations on your eCommerce sites. Let us know in the comments. And keep following us for more holiday marketing tips.

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

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