Will you be successful finally in establishing your Online Business Idea this 2020?
Well, this question is a matter of concern and worth giving a thought if you are actually done with 9 to 5 jobs and are planning to start your own venture. As easy as it may seem to be having your own flourishing business, it surely isn’t the same.
“Online business ideas” is the most researched term during the first quarter of the year. Although it is searched throughout the year at a comparatively lower rate from the first quarter. Getting deeper analysis, Google also embarks the increase in search trends for “Online Business” than “Business Ideas”.
The irony is that people search for ideas and choose the one that will get them more free time along with a better income rate. But, what they don’t realize is the fact that this approach will only be benefitting temporarily as the eCommerce is getting tougher with every passing day.
Summing up all my interactions with the marketing & eCommerce experts and analyzing the facts, I ended up observing two keypoints that people tend to ignore for no possible reasons.
Keypoint 1 –
Following your passion will bring you satisfaction but it isn’t everything that you can look for a successful business in often cases and for obvious reasons. Following your passion or transforming your hobby into your business will always keep you interested and motivated to do more. However, this motivation will only be for your self-satisfaction and self-good. And, nothing that only benefits you and ignores your customers’ interest is temporary.
Keypoint 2 –
In this eCommerce era, having self-centered objectives to start a business is not what you need to grow. Rather, what your customers need and desire is more essential. Business, today, is more about serving your customers and not only personal interests.
Segmenting your customers into different categories and pitching them with what interests them the most is the real deal. Customer segmentation benefits in structuring your marketing strategy for your online business ideas. The next is the user behavior analysis and conversion rate optimization processes that follow for a successful business.
Well, the key points apply when you plan to have your own idea for online business. And, to your rescue, we have listed the top-searched online business ideas that consider both the keypoints,i.e., your customer base and your own passion. (😌)
Top Online Business Ideas 2020
For Creative Heads
1. Start Your Own Blog
Blogging has gained an immersively increasing popularity among freelancers and passionate individuals. Since the evolution of content & conversational marketing, connecting and sharing your experiences with targeted readers will fetch you a handsome income.
People are intrigued by learning about feelings/journeys/struggles that one goes through. How to share and what to share is thought-provoking. For Example, if you like traveling and exploring new cultures, you can start with travel blogging or interested in gastronomy, go with Food Blogging.
Hundreds of successful bloggers earn $ 50k approximately per year just by sharing quality content with eye-catching headlines.
Source: Growth Badger
Not Sure How To Start With Blogging?
2. Ghostwriting
Good with words and grammar but don’t wish to start your own business? It’s completely normal to think this way. Not everyone has to transform their passion into their business as I just said in keypoint 1.
But, earning living in a better is what everyone desires, Right! Ghostwriting is your option then. (Hearing it for the first time?) Ghostwriting is about preparing scripts for someone else in the easiest words. Your work will be appreciated but no one will know you for the same.
Ghostwriters are always in high demand having a pay scale varying from $2000 to $20,000 per project and even more in different cases.
For Example, preparing scripts, journals, autobiographies for the high-standards news channels or celebrities is all accounted for under ghostwriting.
3. Travel Consultant
Your love to travel and explore can be a great idea to start your business online. Planning budget trips for your friends and family to advising luxurious stays under great deals can be your motto.
It’s a fact! People do want to explore new places but are often misled with airfares and expensive hotel deals. Having a friendly-consultancy that understands what the visitor wants in his tour package and how it can be most fulfilling in the limited budget is the art in itself.
Your creativity and knowledge of traveling can help others plan their trips with your little guidance.
4. Photography
Creativity and artistic mind see the uniqueness in the most common things too. And capturing the very perspective of uniqueness into a vision of others is what the photographer does.
Undoubtedly, the photography market has grown to a new level in 2019 and is on high-scale in 2020 too. Smartphone industries know this very well. Hence, they now lay more focus on the camera features and lenses embedded in the handsets, since people use their smartphones for instant clicks.
Like the delicious aroma rising from the gingerbread and plum cakes from your kitchen? Do your relatives crave for your crazy flavor mixes? Now, you have the opportunity to share your delicacies with the crowd. How?
Creating business accounts on various social platforms like Facebook and Instagram can help you promote your talent to masses and in exchange, you get, well not only hefty income but savory followers who will be fond of your hearty efforts. Sharing quick recipes, delivering cakes on orders, etc are things you can do from your own kitchen and mind the fact without spending huge on investments.
For Business-Oriented & Marketing Visions
6. Web Development
As a matter of fact, 40-60% of small businesses have a website catering to 5 billion(approx) internet users in the world. Since it is a huge number, it won’t be difficult to figure out that the demand for web development services is surging.
Although there are many established brands serving the customers in designing, managing and upgrading websites for heavy fee packages. It’s your opportunity to jump in the market with competitive pricing and lucrative business plans for new businesses look for cost-effective solutions.
7. Instagram Influencer
With increasing trends in social media marketing, 2019 also witnessed an increase in influencer marketing, especially over Instagram. Instagram influencers are the individuals having an Instagram business account and also have a great followers count.
Influencers on Instagram have established credibility and hold the power to persuade others and their followers by virtue of their trustworthiness and authenticity.
About earnings, it varies from account to account. But, it has been observed by social marketers that the range varies from $80 to $200 per post.
Learn More About Instagram Influencer Marketing With Our Social Experts!
8. Home Care Assistance
It is not surprising that there are services available in the market for your home care regimes like kitchen cleaning, washroom cleanings, home spas, etc. People are preferring to sit back at home and book a service as per their schedules.
Thinking about how you can start such a business? Gather a team to serve the clients, build an app and you are ready to go. The more customizable packages you serve in the effective rates for the start, the better response you’ll receive. Why so? Because people today are so occupied with their jobs and work that they hardly get time for their friends and families. Above all, household courses are always an additional hectic job that people will happily delegate in return for some precious time with their loved ones.
Tip: If you are a small business or starting as one, you must check out this resource on small business loans which can turn out to be really helpful.
Seeking More Variations in Trending Online Businesses?
Read more about 25+ Business Ideas trending in 2020
Is that all?
The list of most trending online business ideas for 2020 ends here but not your creativity. I’m sure reading throughout you came across many colorful variants of the listicles that you must be willing to discuss and share. Well, I want to tell you that I’m all ears!
You’ll find more classic online business ideas in many articles across but what and how you do it will be your creativity. I wish you all the luck with your brainstorming and efforting processes (while I wait to see more upcoming creative ideas in the comments below…)
So splendid post dear, Thanks for sharing, appreciate your efforts,
It always feels good to be appreciated for the efforts put into doing something different than usual. Thanks, Ghani Mengal for your kind words.
Really an interesting blog I have gone through. There are excellent details you posted here.
Thanks Kulmohan. Stay connected to get more insightful content.