Do you know who contributes the most to the success of your website? It’s your users nonetheless.

Thus improving user experience becomes a key factor that you must give more attention. As the largest CMS globally, WordPress offers a wide array of tools to gear up your site ensuring the best in-hand user experience.

Maybe you already keep updating your website features and UI/UX. As it is a continuous process. But out of all these activities, the user’s frontend options and its operations are one of the most crucial things you should always look to improve now.

Here in this blog, we will show you how a WordPress plugin like WP User Frontend can take your user experience to new heights and eventually, grow your business. Keep reading.

WP User Frontend for Better Frontend Experience

WordPress frontend

A user journey starts from the very first time he/she lands into your website. From this step to further, you must give them proper reasons and choices so that they can stay with you. Evidently, 75% of people get attached to a website if they feel it is designed to help their cause.

So in case you don’t know, WP User Frontend is a simple yet powerful frontend builder for WordPress site owners. It is developed by weDevs – one of the renowned WordPress product developers in the world. So now with this frontend solution tool, you can design and create all the necessary front-end features to make your user’s journey better than ever.

Well, let’s have a look at some of the most essential frontend tasks you can accomplish with this remarkable plugin.

  • Building a frontend user dashboard 
  • Add editing/publishing access 
  • Create a membership site
  • Fill-up registration and contact forms 
  • Guest posts and comments submission 

Hence, your user can do a lot of things even without any access to the site’s backend.

How WP User Frontend Help Your User – Top Features

It’s possible to integrate WP User Frontend for any type of WordPress site. Besides, if you want to run a marketing or social campaign, initiating membership registration and access, this plugin is immensely helpful.

Suppose, you have a WooCommerce store. In this case, WP User Frontend let your customer create profiles, monitor their transactions, choose billing methods, and track their purchase process from the user dashboard at once.

On the other hand, when you may have a content-based or news sharing platform, your user will have a responsive dashboard for writing, editing, and submitting their article with ease.

Well, let’s get on with some more exclusive features of WP User Frontend. They will help you understand how this plugin can develop a smooth user experience that leads up to profitable conversion and your certain business growth.

Easy Frontend Posting 

easy frontend posting

Simply said, this feature allows users to post anything from the user frontend. It’s the first thing that comes to help to create forms, custom post types, or custom fields. Some of the basic tasks your user can accomplish through this are –

Build Unlimited Forms: Create any type of form that you need to get connected with users. After installing the plugin, just click on add forms in your dashboard. And design any kind of form that you need. You can also have the option to use shortcodes anytime for that purpose.

Custom Post Type and Taxonomy: While building your forms, you can add custom post types and taxonomies. Thus you can use the drop-down, Multiselect, or Check-box list and initiate more ease of use.

Custom Fields: You can create custom fields with WP User Frontend. It will allow your user to include additional information while writing any blog post or while making a guest post submission. It helps you to track and interpret your user data.

Custom Redirection: After a user submits a post you can redirect them to a specific page or post, and show flash messages to let them know the status of his/her submission.

Additionally, you can also control submitted post status, allowing users to insert images in their comments or forms, or even using the multistep forms.

Building Registration Form and User Profile 

Build registration form

Registration forms are necessary. But if they manifest a complex look, people may lose interest to complete the process. And that could be a drawback and one of the main reasons for losing business.

But, when you have WP User Frontend in your arsenal, it always lets you create the simplest registration forms with a handful of pre-made templates. Here is what more you will get if you consider building registration form and user profile-

Edit and Update Registration Form Anytime You Want: After you’ve created a registration form, it doesn’t end there. You can change the layouts, edit the elements and topics whenever you want. It is a simple process like that.

Customizable Profile Info and My Account:  All of your registered users can edit and customize their profile data directly from the frontend. Also, they can manage their post status, comments, and activities at once in their My Account dashboard.

Different User Role Registration: It’s one of the remarkable features of the WP user frontend. You can create several kinds of registration forms tailored for the different user roles.

Create a User Data Centre: Whenever a user decides to hops into registration or subscription, they provide all the necessary information through the registration forms. So by gathering all that info can easily develop a user database on your website.

Moreover, you can create a registration form based on your needs. All the elements are open to add or remove. Also, there are 13+ custom field types at your forte. Therefore re-arranging custom profile form is possible within a few minutes.

Hassle-Free Subscription Management

subscription management

Managing subscription is a tricky part. You must monitor the activities of your subscribers. Maintain communication when a subscriber starts taking your service, and when their subscription will expire. If simply put, you need to gather all the subscriber data in one place and then follow a strategic process to manage and communicate with them.

Check out some of the essential subscription management tasks you can do with this WordPress frontend tool below:

Run a Premium Blogging Model: For running a subscription business model in your content sharing website you need to create specialized subscription forms. For example, you can earn from each post from your user who wants to share their content on your site for more reach. It is more realistic when you already have an established brand value and reader-base behind you.

Earn Money from Paid Subscription: You can restrict some exclusive content only for the premium user. This can be a great way of earning money from your blog.

Exclusive Membership for WooCommerce Store: Publish some unique content. Then you can use them as a bait to encourage people to register for the premium subscription.

WP User Frontend turns all these activities into a clear and well-defined process.

Manage Content Restriction at Ease

restrict content with wp userfronedn

Regardless of any business model, content restriction increases the importance of your blog. It influences the random users to complete registrations for your website. However, it is also essential to give particular benefits to your regular user.

Now, take a look at the top four restriction benefits WP User Frontend is entitled to deliver.

User Role-based Restriction: Inevitably your WordPress site has all different types of users. You can set separate individual user roles for all those users. And so you can restrict content based on the user roles ensuring that your premium content gets to the right & targeted reader base.

Restriction for the Visitors: With this specific feature, you can manage content for random visitors. Suppose, you can select some of the best or top-ranking blogs and make them public for general readers. Then ask them to subscribe to your service to get more quality content.

Menu Restriction: It’s possible to hide some specific menu links and grant access following the types and user roles. Thus it ensures some premium and public menus for different user-base according to the user roles.

Taxonomy Restriction: This section allows your user to publish or browse categories depending on their subscription model. Not every user will be able to browse all the taxonomies. And based on user roles you may set and define certain restrictions with WP User Frontend.

Along with all these advantages, you can also set subscription-based post restriction as well.

User Frontend Dashboard

frontend dashboard

This section is last but not least that we want to mention now. Without a frontend dashboard, there is no feeling of comfort using any tool. Your user is bound to lose track unless they have an interactive and responsive dashboard to manage all of their front-end tasks.

However, you don’t need to worry a bit. WP User Frontend lets you create a highly customizable and user-friendly frontend dashboard. Where your users can manage and execute their essential frontend related tasks effortlessly.

Frontend Post Management: Either your users submit a post, make a draft, or get published – they can manage all the progress. Furthermore, they also keep update and edit them directly from the frontend dashboard. It will also let them improve their contribution toward your business.

Profile Editing: Any website user want to tailor a splendid profile. Hence the profile editing feature lets them add or remove information, upload photos, and social links out of any difficulties.

Frontend Invoice Page: Users who make a purchase can simply track and manage their invoice with the frontend invoice page. It makes them feel safe and turn your online service on WooCommerce store into a dependable one.

Customizable Dashboard Experience:  Each of your WordPress users can build their dedicated frontend dashboard. Customize and edit them whenever they want. To do this, you can use simple shortcodes generated by this plugin.

And that’s not the end. You can integrate a bunch of third-party WP User Frontend Modules for payment, user management, or email marketing. They turn your WordPress frontend into a more relaxed place for users.

Pricing – How Much WP User Frontend Cost

As an open-source tool, it’s a free WordPress Frontend plugin. You can download it instantly from the WordPress repository. The free version has all the crucial features you ask for running an online store, personal blog, content marketing platform, charity website, or any specialized business.

Therefore, the premium version of this unique and popular user frontend tool is a sure shot winner for SMEs and large enterprises alike. It is highly affordable, starts from only $49 a year. There are other cost-effective pricing plans as well depends on your requirements.

Get Started With WP User Frontend Now

Before we wrap up, let’s give you a recap and a closer look at some of the other exciting features of this robust WordPress frontend tool.

  • Highly flexible for the admins
  • Drag and drop frontend builder
  • Gutenberg integration 
  • Role-based user support
  • Custom redirection after login and submission
  • Get reminder from email support
  • Import/Export forms
  • Manage Transaction, etc 

Not that all the tools out there produce perfect results. But a plugin that understands your needs and customizable to cope up with your business goal can bring a difference. We believe this makes points for WP User Frontend nonetheless.

Let us know, how do you plan to improve your WordPress frontend user experience?

weDevs Guest Post Author

About the Author
Kaji Enamul Islam is an author of fiction and WordPress enthusiast. Addicted to stories, facts, books, and movies. Loves traveling to unusual places. He is a content writer at weDevs.

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

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