The world of WordPress is constantly changing. Soon, Gutenberg will replace all the existing editors in the WordPress 5.0. Now, the time has come, when your words, pictures, the layout will look more appealing without many invasions into code.

WordPress Gutenberg is really going to bring a new change to the existing editing environment. So, it becomes important to all of us to be prepared for the same.

With this blog, Let’s see what is Gutenberg Editor? How will it gonna benefit today’s professionals?

What is WordPress Gutenberg Editor?

gutenberg plugin

Source: WordPress

According to tuts plus, The Gutenberg WordPress editor is a new page builder that is being designed to integrate with WordPress core. Matt Mullenweg is completely behind It. He basically aimed to “Give Freedom”.

He was Johannes Gutenberg who invented a printing press with movable type around 500 years ago. The WordPress Gutenberg is named after him, WordPress has released its biggest change in several years with Gutenberg. The Gutenberg is a new editor for WordPress. It is an important step forward for WordPress.

Gutenberg has introduced Blocks

gutenberg block

Gutenberg has divided everything into blocks which was previously, lived inside one big HTML file and for every enhancement there had to be something new: short codes, custom post types, embeds, widgets etc.

WordPress Gutenberg: A Editor with a purpose


Source: WordPress

Top 5 Features of WordPress Gutenberg Block Editor

gutenberg wordpress

1. It’s a intelligent step with for the WordPress visual editor

The WordPress visual editor has been stuck for years. 

2. Website friendly

Unlike other editors, if you uninstall WordPress Gutenberg, it would not harm your website.3. Storing block info Using HTML comments is smart

4. Solid HTML5 output

Using HTML5 tags will help to play safe content created in WordPress Gutenberg Editor.

5. write your individual blocks

It will be easy for the developers to design their personal blocks for customized content. Here’s more information on writing a Gutenberg block.

Wrap up

Although, it has so many benefits. It is in the debate and lots of people are still arguing, We all know that every change brings new inertia and resistance as well.
Though the Goal of the WordPress Gutenberg is to add the rich content in the WordPress with a simple interface.
Gutenberg is a fresh new take on editing content on the web. It works well at different screen sizes and provides end users with a better editing experience. You now have the tools and understanding to take on this brave new world!

Being a plugin, Gutenberg is likely to be added to the core of WordPress 5.0. People that dislike Gutenberg often argue that it is trying to compete with drag-and-drop website builders. So, It is completely dependent on you!

If you find this worthy do share your experiences in the comments.
Thank you, Readers…

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

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