The Genesis of StudioPress by WP engine is one of the best WordPress theme frameworks providing you a robust and secure environment for all your products.

The major plus point Genesis Framework offers is its compatibility with Gutenberg editor. So,  optimization and customization of content would be much easier and faster than before.

With the latest update to the Genesis framework, WPengine stated that it is going to speed-up mobile performance with Genesis 3.0.0 due to an increase in the demand of mobile-friendly websites.

As per the report by Statista, in 2018, 52.2 percent of all website traffic worldwide was generated through smartphones, up from 50.3 percent in the previous year. Mobile currently accounts for half of all global web pages served. Due to an increase in demand, more people are visiting websites through mobile but an unfriendly UI/UX causes them to revert back resulting in an increased bounce rate.

Google created the AMP project, to overcome this problem. So, the folks at Google, XWP, and,  Genesis community integrated the Genesis framework and AMP. They also provided a tool to make its child themes AMP compatible. Now, it’s much easier for web developers to create mobile-friendly themes and websites with the Genesis framework. 

Developers don’t need to depend upon third-party plugins to make the Genesis, AMP compatible as Genesis itself is AMP compatible now. This will help websites to load quicker and make them SEO rich. 

Bye Bye “Blog Page Template”

This good news has also brought one sad news with it, as it’s time to bid goodbye to the “Blog Page Template”. 

The company stated “we’re removing the Blog Page template. First of all, if you’re simply looking to make one of your pages display blog posts (for instance, in the case where your homepage is static), you can use a built-in WordPress feature to do this.”

If you are using this template in any specific post then, you can use the Genesis inbuilt feature called “Easter Egg”. With the help of this feature, you can modify the query on any page. This feature will no longer allow you to feel the absence of “Blog page template” as it is offering the same functionality as a template offers.

So, get started with Genesis 3.0.0 today and engage more visitors on your website!

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

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