Heard About HubSpot WP Engine Integration?

If you are a HubSpot-ter, then no doubt, you must have come across a recent announcement made by HubSpot.

HubSpot has partnered with WP Engine, a WordPress digital experience platform (HubSpot WP Engine Integration), which has also declared a deal to acquire competitor Flywheel. And this new newly updated HubSpot plugin for WordPress will be integrated with all of WP Engine’s StudioPress themes.

If you are an active user of WP Engine, that can be a moment of joy for you. As this integration is proposed to create better experiences for your marketing and sales, within your WordPress ecosystem.

But, what if you don’t use WP Engine? Do you think, it would limit you using HubSpot CRM?

If you have a WordPress site, and you are fond of using HubSpot in your sales and marketing, then I have something for you, that can make up your day!

Follow me to the end, to know how can you grow better with HubSpot, even if you are not a follower of WP Engine.

Top 6 Ecommerce Automation Features for HubSpot WP Engine Integration Users & Non-Users

  1. Automatic Sync of customer, orders, products and conversion data.

  2. Forms and pop-up forms for better Lead Capturing

  3. Live Chat for interactive customer interaction

  4. Advanced Customer Segmentation for Targeted Marketing

  5. Trigger Automated emails through workflows

  6. Thorough Sales and Revenue Reporting – via HubSpot Deals

1. Automatic Sync of customer, orders, products and conversion data.

Data is the most important asset, anyone can have. I usually have seen, marketers found it tough to utilize the data, they collect from their contacts, but fail to see the potential, what data contains?

It may be because they lack systematic orientation of data, with unstructured data syncing. Or they don’t have the proper tool to provide the full context across all forms, pop-up forms, and live chat interactions

If I talk about WP Engine, it gives perfect flexibility to sync all your data onto HubSpot CRM, but there are a lot of other tools available in the market, which can do this tasks in a better way!

So, if you think, you have to stop using HubSpot CRM, all because you are not a WP Engine User?

There is a lot to explore, newly launched HubSpot Ecommerce Bridge Application can sort your work. In a way, with which you can easily sync all your customers, orders and products data on HubSpot CRM.

HubSpot Data Sync

This helps you to visualize your eCommerce data at one place, which helps you to participate in effective decision making when you are converting your customer.

2. Forms and pop-up forms for better Lead Capturing

WP Engine is a highly dedicated WordPress Platform, known for exceptional growth and customer service, which holds highly targeted forms and pop-ups, that will help you to capture more quality leads, for better conversions.

But, you can still enjoy the highly interactive forms and pop-ups in your website, fetch and analyze data to understand your customers’ behavior and react likewise with seasonal offers and product bundles to target them.

3. Live Chat for Lucrative Customer Interaction

Do you know, if you don’t respond to your customers in less than a quarter of a minute, you’ve probably have lost them?

It is far truer, as nobody is interested to wait for your response, if they didn’t get their answer in few seconds, they will definitely leave you, so chatting software has become a necessity for the modern marketers.

HubSpot Live chat has become the boon for modern marketers. Today, every single active online retailer want to stay up-to-date with each and every store happenings.

This live chat stood out in the crowd in a different way. Such that, you can easily get the real-time updates of your orders using our HubSpot Deal Per Order.


Only visiting history is not enough to understand the importance and priority of the contact. Here come the HubSpot live chat features, you have all the data about your contacts like, what they have purchased, how much they spent? active deals, tickets, and previous chat history to decide how valuable the chat is.

4. Advanced Customer Segmentation for Targeted Marketing

Marketers have noted a 760% increase in revenue from segmented campaigns. – Campaign Monitor

Garnish your sales and marketing efforts with customer segmentation sauce, before plating it to your customers. Personalized marketing is all the rage.

Improve your advertising, customer experience, branding, and even business operations, with targeted email marketing campaigns.

With less number of people, you can create buyer personas. But what if this number goes from 8 to 16 (don’t go with numbers), you need lists to segment and differentiate your audience on the basis of their buying interest, demographics, firmographics, purchasing frequency, and recency.


All HubSpot lists are easy to use. Mostly, marketers use HubSpot smart lists, which gets updated dynamically. Whenever, contacts get added, removed or updated from smart lists as they meet or leave the eligibility criteria, the list automatically gets updated.

5. Trigger Automated emails through workflows

Every business has its own workflows and considering HubSpot workflows. They are the most important part of the business process, are the backbone of business automation.

I have discussed workflow automation, in this article, you may check, here.


Well, it seems very important to automate all those things which are lagging you behind. You can automate all your marketing workflows, using HubSpot Marketing Automation.

6. Thorough Sales and Revenue Reporting – via HubSpot Deals

HubSpot WP Engine Integration won’t stop you to track your sales and measure your conversions. And seriously, it doesn’t matter at all, whether you have WP Engine or not, you can still play-off!

Perhaps you don’t know how to start with reporting. Let’s say, you have a WooCommerce store and your store is getting daily traffic of 500 visitors globally. Among them, 50 of them added item items in their cart and 30 of them left and 20 moved to checkout. Among them, 7 proceed with a successful purchase.

This is a one-day scenario, just think, what about a month, or years. Would you seriously choose to enter data with your hands, nay!

Here comes, deals, which is a modern way of dealing with your clients, breaking the customer’s buying process into stages called HubSpot deals.

These HubSpot deals help you determine at which stage your customer is and what steps, you need to make it a win!


You may offer coupons, combos, promo codes, or special deals to ensure a successful purchase.

HubSpot Ecommerce bridge has automated this work by syncing all your deals into HubSpot CRM. and thus, you don’t have to manually add deals to your HubSpot, but automate your sales pipeline (containing deals).

Get a clear picture of your sales data, with pre-built comprehensive reports, and do your marketing more smoothly.

It simply breaks your entire e-commerce process into steps or you can say stages, and each stage signifies a unique order status in itself, which usually gets reflected in HubSpot CRM.

How to Connect WordPress To HubSpot?

Well, you can get all the above HubSpot eCommerce features. Whether you have integrated with WP Engine, or not using WP Engine for your online business.

In case you are not using WP Engine, you can still enjoy all eCommerce features by installing a WordPress plugin.

So, without further delay, let me pull the curtains off!
HubSpot WooCommerce Integration
A Perfect Alternative To HubSpot WP Engine Integration

Introducing HubSpot WooCommerce Integration, one and only solution available in a market. It serves a perfect alternative to HubSpot WP Engine Integration to all those marketers and business people, who are not using WP Engine, and still want to enjoy HubSpot to grow better.

(WooCommerce is an open source eCommerce platform built for WordPress)

If you have further queries or have any question to ask related to Sales and Marketing Automation, or how can you amplify your marketing strategy for better conversion. Let’s just don’t wait!

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About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

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