Have you ever wondered that you can track the activities for the non-eCommerce websites?

I know, there are many questions in your head for what you want answers to, like – 

  • What is the need to track user activities for non-commerce websites?
  • How connecting your website with CRM can improve overall performance?
  • Why do you need to connect Mautic with WordPress Website?

Even I wasn’t sure until I came across someone who was revolving around a similar situation, looking for solutions.

A few days back I met Mr. Daksh, a young brilliant mind vigilant to bring a change in society with his enthusiastic team working day and night for an NGO. Their agenda was to spread the words of humanity through their scripted pieces and attract a wide audience to join hands with them in support of varied causes – towards the betterment of society. 

To do so, they developed a highly personalized WordPress website to organize webinars and virtual conferences. To their surprise, they witnessed great traffic running in. However, they weren’t able to track the traffic for potential leads and were also not sure of how to interact with the interested leads. Certainly, they were losing some great opportunities to expand their reach.

This is when they realized that tracking traffic(or contacts) isn’t restricted to online commercial businesses only. They need it too.                

Why WordPress Websites Require CRM Integration?

CRM is an abbreviation for Customer Relationship Management. It is software that facilitates business managers and marketers to interact with their customers while tracking each activity performed on-site. 

CRM holds many benefits and is a must-have for every business – small or large. 

1. Understanding Your Customers 

We often say that customers are the core of the business. Without them, no business can sustain itself. And this remarks the need of knowing and understanding your customers even more. 

Your CRM database holds all possible information about your customers. From their profiling to their shopping behaviors. It now depends on you, how you utilize that information to achieve your business goals.

For instance, if you connect Mautic with a WordPress website and enable the synchronization, you’ll see all your visitor’s data in different visualized graphs (as shown below).

dashboard mautic wp integration

2. Better Customer Interaction & Communication

You are here to know how it is beneficial for your business to connect Mautic with WordPress websites.

Well, let me tell you then that communication is the key for every business type. It doesn’t matter if you’re involved in monetary transactions or not. You may have an eCommerce store or a simple display website, connecting and interacting with customers enhances their interest in your organization. 

Using a standardized CRM setup will help you improve your communication with website visitors and your customers. Also, taking time to build professional and personal communication with your customers will help you to understand their needs and concerns better. 

3. Provide Better Customer Services

Customers value good support services. studies show that businesses offering friendly customer-support are more likely to grow faster and stronger. While on the other hand, businesses with poor customer services are prone to failure in their initial years of establishment.

With good or better customer services, we mean to emphasize the importance of having deep product/service knowledge that you’re offering. Because you’ll only be able to answer the queries and treat your customer’s queries with respect when you’ll be sure of the concerned service’s terms & policies. 

4. Know Loyal Customers

CRMs also play a vital role in segregating your loyal customers from those unregular/moody customers. You might think that why you need to segregate them when you’re ought to serve them your best services. 

I agree that it is important to treat each visitor and customer with full dedication. But, paying extra efforts to serve the regular customers will build their loyalty towards your brand. This, in turn, also paves a way to attract a new audience based on referrals and “word-of-mouth” marketing. 

Having loyal customers is an additional investment to your business where they act as a medium of indirect marketing for you. 

Make Customers, Not Sales!

Start your Customer Loyalty Program Today

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5. Create Marketing Strategies & Campaigns

I’ve been discussing so far that understanding your customers and segmenting the loyal ones is important. The reason being, they help you in planning your marketing strategies.

CRM integrations with websites allow you to plan the budgeted campaigns that are more targeting because you’re already aware of the needs of your customers. It also presents you with a detailed analysis of your customer’s taste, buying behaviors, location & other demographics, etc. 

There are many more benefits that CRM has to offer. Contact management and customer profiling are critical features for any CRM. And guess what, Mautic just serves it right.

Why Mautic?

Because it is the best of all CRM Softwares for an eCommerce Business.

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Many marketers use Mautic CRM for their WooCommerce websites to track their customer’s buying behaviors and engage with them on regular basis. However, considering the benefits it has in store for websites, there is an increased demand for Mautic integration for non-commercial websites as well. 

Taking into account the increasing market demand, MakeWebBetter came forward with its new solution – Integration with Mautic for WP plugin.

What is Mautic for WordPress?

Mautic for WordPress, as the name says, is an integration to connect Mautic with WordPress websites. It is an easy-to-use marketing automation tool. 

Mautic has been serving the community for quite some time now, especially the eCommerce businesses to track down traffic, capture leads, create campaigns to nurture leads, and transform them into contacts of value. 

Mautic CRM allows the merchants or considering teams to collect critical contacts for the business to modify existing campaigns based on the results of previous campaigns.

Why You Must Connect Mautic With WordPress Websites?

A Dive Into Exquisite Features of Mautic for WordPress…

Mautic for WordPress plugin is an initiative to help out the WordPress websites that are rather not involved in eCommerce processes to track their traffic and capture the leads in time. After you decide to connect Mautic with WordPress websites, you’ll be able to segment customers and manage leads, as well as nurture and track contacts. 

Mautic for WordPress plugin is loaded with crucial must-haves that are bound to deliver you the desired results for tracking your customer’s data like –  

1. Secure Authentication

Did you know, the average cost of a data breach is $3.86 million as of 2020, says IBM

Therefore, security is a matter of serious concern. It gets more serious when you’re adapting to third-party integrations because all your crucial data will be in sync with their applications.

Keeping this in view, Mautic for WordPress plugin offers a secure authentication while syncing your WordPress website’s data with your Mautic CRM account.

With secure authentication, it implies that Mautic for WordPress offers two types of API integration authentication classes to secure the requests exchange between the website and CRM as per the common authentication protocols. They are –    

  • Basic: The basic auth is a header-based API key service that uses basic authentication protocols to secure all the requests.
  • OAuth2: it is also a header-based API key authentication service. But it requires the request grant type to function. This means that it supports code and token_requests. In simpler terms, client_credentials, and password, both are required.

2. Real-Time Data Sync

You’re connecting Mautic with the WordPress website to analyze your data. It is pretty obvious. But, it won’t be of much consideration if you aren’t able to monitor it in real-time. 

Real-time data sync makes it easier for you to segment the customer’s data. Henceforth, structurally segmented data allows advanced targeting. If you chose to connect Mautic with your WordPress website using Mautic for WordPress plugin, believe me, it will be the aptest decision. 

The reason being, this plugin is designed in a manner to represent every captured data into a graphical format for your easy understanding; promoting your scope towards the better understanding of your customers

3. Data-Driven Dashboard

As a marketer, I deliberately understand how tough it can be at times to switch between windows for tracking the information and preparing the analysis. Keeping this in mind, Integration with Mautic for WordPress brings forth the dedicated data-driven dashboard to your WordPress admin panel. 

Yes, Integration with Mautic for WP plugin allows you to access the Mautic dashboard over your WordPress admin with each data displayed in dedicated sections like –

  • Created Leads in Time
  • Page Hits in Time
  • Form Submissions in Time
  • Top Segments
  • Most Sent Emails

The graphical representation of data in the dashboard makes it even more convenient for the marketer to analyze the progress and loopholes in their marketing strategies. Furthermore, this analysis will guide them to either continue with the existing campaign or modify it for better results.

4. Mautic Forms & WordPress Integration Support

Although, tracking information can be your major reason to connect Mautic with WordPress websites; there’s a lot more you can do with it. This Mautic-WordPress integration gives you easy access to sync all your Mautic web forms with your WordPress dashboard. It also supports many third-party addons like WPForms, etc. 

Steps to Connect Mautic with WordPress Websites

There are indeed many ways to download and install a WordPress plugin. But we don’t want you to take the burden of choosing which method to adopt. Therefore, giving your thoughts a clearer direction, you can connect Mautic with the WordPress website by following the simple steps listed below – 

Step 1. Download the Plugin

I know it’s obvious that you’ll first get the plugin. But a gentle reminder never hurts. Right?

You can get the plugin either by going to wordpress.org and browsing through all the plugins. Or you can simply go to the Integration With Mautic For WP product page. Once you are there, click on the “Download” to get the ZIP file of the plugin.

Integration with mautic for wp

Step 2. Install and Activate Integration with Mautic for WP Plugin

Well, this is again another step that involves various options. For example, you can either opt for the “Automatic Installation” process or go for “Manual Installation”. However, it is more convenient to go with the first option but it totally depends on you.

Automatic Installation Process – 

  1. Login to your WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New from the left panel.Add new plugin
  2. Search plugin, “Integration with Mautic for WP” in the search box. search plugin
  3. You will find this integration plugin on your page. Click on Install Now to install the plugin. install mautic for wordpress plugin
  4. Once installed, you’ll see the activation button there. Click on the “Activate” button to activate the plugin. activate mautic for wordpress

Manual Installation Process 1 – 

  1. Log into your WordPress dashboard. Navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New. Add new plugin
  2. Click on the Upload Plugin button.
  3. Click on the Browse button and navigate to the downloaded Integration with Mautic for WP Zip file and click OK.
  4. Most importantly, you can install it by simply clicking Install Now. Upload zip file to install plugin
  5. Once installed, activate the plugin from the “Plugin” menu in the WordPress admin panel.

Manual Installation Process 2 – 

  1. Extract the downloaded Integration with Mautic for WP Zip file.
  2. Upload the Integration with Mautic for WP folder to the /wp-content/plugins/directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.

Step 3. Connect Mautic with WordPress

  1. Go to Mautic Integration > Mautic WordPress Integration Setup > Connections. connect mautic integration with wordpress
  2. Select the Connection Type.
  3. Enter Mautic URL, Mautic Username, and Mautic Password in the form that appears on your window.
  4. Click on Save.
  5. Next, go to Mautic WordPress Integration Setup > Settings. mautic wordpress integration settings
  6. Enable Mautic Tracking by toggling the switch.
  7. Enter your Mautic URL again followed by selecting the tracking script location
  8. Click on Save.

Your Connection with Mautic for WordPress is now successfully established. You can next proceed with syncing your Mautic Forms to your WordPress dashboard by following the steps as guided in the documentation workflow.

Summing Up!!! 

If you’re only looking for the gist of this post or are falling short of time to read the entire thing, here is your summary.

Integration with Mautic for WP plugin is the most optimized and features loaded plugin to help you connect Mautic with WordPress websites. What’s more, is the wider range of benefits it has to offer. 

We all know that CRM software is a must required for any sort of business to capture leads, track traffic, connect interaction, etc. 

And it is all done right with Mautic!

Having any doubts or curiosity to learn more about the Mautic or its Integrations that we have in-store, feel free to connect with our experts or drop your query in the comments below.

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

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