WordPress is the most popular content management system which is used by almost all of the world’s population. According to the recent Google trend, results show that WordPress is ruling worldwide among developers.

It is a fairly well-known fact that the majority of the world’s websites are powered by WordPress.


The reason why it is very commercial is :

  • It is very user-friendly i.e. no coding is required to handle WordPress. Anyone with knowledge of coding can easily build a site with WordPress.
  • Highly customizable
  • SEO friendly
  • WordPress has added plugins for everything

Only building websites with WordPress will not give you complete success. For your business, you should take care of all your customers’ needs which include what they want, why they want, etc.

But the question arises.

What Is The Most Difficult Task For eCommerce Marketers Nowadays?

The answer is, the most difficult task is to satisfy your customer in the best possible way.

As we know, customer satisfaction is directly proportional to customer experience.

Problems like weak connectivity, reloading issues while reading blogs or product pages hamper the experience of customers. One way to avoid such problems is to offer your visitors an option to download all readable content in PDF format.

You can see the example from Backlinko, how they have provided you with the option to download blogs in PDF format.

example-of-how-to-use-PDF-in-the-blog-postHave you ever thought of converting your blog posts and products into PDFs? 

And can you imagine, what benefits can it have for your eCommerce business and your blogs?

If you are offering your visitors the choice to generate a PDF file, you will be able to entice more customers and readers to your website because you are giving your audience ample time to read the blog post and product description offline. Incorporating PDFs on your website helps in triggering traffic on your site, dispersing brand awareness, creating customer trust, and ultimately helps in making the conversion for your online business.

Wondering how? Stay calm and keep on reading!

What Is There To Learn About The PDF Generator For WordPress???

You must have found various blog posts on how to convert your blogs into PDF, their settings descriptions, etc. But have you ever gone through a blog that describes the benefits and features that makes WordPress PDF Generator unique? In this blog post, we have discussed the important benefits and features of the WordPress PDF generator that will help you to understand more about why to use this plugin.

So let’s start the journey in discovering the surprising stuff about the WordPress PDF Generator that you might not be aware of.

  • What is The WordPress PDF generator Plugin
  • The top reason to choose WordPress PDF generator
  • Important features of WordPress PDF generator

Want to Try The WordPress PDF Generator For Free?

Find all about it here!

What is The WordPress PDF Generator Plugin?

The WordPress PDF Generator plugin allows both audiences and admin to easily convert all the blog posts, products, and pages into PDF without any hassle for your website. The admin can also change the setting accordingly, and help your guest users to send the PDF files directly to their emails.

The plugin also provides personalized cover page templates which admins can use for branding.

It’s an all-in-one solution as it helps in gaining more engagement, conversion, and also in spreading awareness about your business. You can use your brand name, logo, watermark, etc on the PDF. This makes your visitors remember your brand and get back to you again for more resources.

If you have the WordPress PDF Generator plugin, you can increase the outreach of your blogs and products which can assist you in strengthening your brand presence in the market and provide you more leads that will be very advantageous for your business. Now allow users and admin to convert posts, pages, products, and custom posts into a PDF file.

Why do you need to choose a WordPress PDF generator?

PDF is the world’s most important file format. Let’s see the PDF file utilities in 2021.

Want To Convert Posts, Products, Pages To PDF File?

Features Of WordPress PDF Generator That Make It Unique

Now it’s time to go through the amazing features of the plugin to understand why you need to have it.

1. Compatibility With Other Plugins

Adding a utility to your WordPress site can sometimes become troublesome due to ‘compatibility issues’. Finding out a plugin that turns out to be compatible with most of the important plugins is therefore a boon. WordPress PDF Generator is one such plugin as it is compatible with all page builder plugins and custom posts as well as with meta fields creator.

2. It’s Enticing Templates For PDF

If you have a PDF Generator plugin, you can easily add the template to your PDF documents according to your requirements. The WordPress PDF plugin comes with four new different styles of custom templates for your blog posts and products.

Admin can use these templates to customize and change the layout of the cover page. He can use his brand image or other images according to his convenience.

Users also have the opportunity to choose the template that best suits their requirements.


3. Ability To Add Watermarks

The desire to add a watermark on text and images is not a desire anymore if you have a WordPress PDF Generator. A watermark makes your document look more fascinating and eye-catchy. It assists you to increase your authority over documents and also helps in dispersing your brand name. Thus, the WordPress PDF generator pro plugin allows you to add text watermarks as well as image watermarks.


4. Easy Customization Of Header & Footer

Yes, you heard it right.

With WordPress PDF Generator, you can add a custom header and footer for your PDF. Whether it’s a blog post, product, or page, you can add a custom header and footer according to your specifications. Admin can detach the site URL, name, description, images and can modify the font type; a size that is exhibited in the header.


5. Generates PDF For All Custom Post & Meta Field

The feature that makes it more unique from others is that this WordPress PDF plugin not only generates PDF for posts, pages, and products but can also generate PDF for all types of custom post and meta fields.


6. Bulk Export

New functionality is added in the WordPress PDF Generator pro plugin, that is, bulk export. This helps you to export your PDF in bulk quantity.

Now you do not need to download the PDFs one by one. With this special added feature, you can export your all PDFs at one time.

7. Icon Placement Using Shortcode

You can place the ‘generate PDF’ in the frontend of your WordPress site anywhere as per your convenience using the provided shortcode. The WordPress PDF Generator also allows you to upload your custom icon in case you want to change the default PDF generator icon.

8. Add Company Details

From the ‘layout settings’ tab, you can add the company details in the cover page template settings. The PDF Generator allows you to upload the company logo on the cover page. You can also add a custom cover image to the four default cover page layout templates provided in the plugin.

9. Native Language Support

This WordPress PDF builder allows admins to upload TTF font files to create a PDF in the native language their customers read and understand. Besides the custom fonts, the plugin is also compatible with WPML plugin.

10. Full Access To Logs

With a complete access to logs, admin can view the user details such as the downloaded post type, user name, email address and so on. These insights can prove to be very significant from the marketing perspective.

Besides these, you also have so many features present in the WordPress PDF generator pro version that you can add:

Top Reasons for Choosing WordPress PDF Generator

There are many benefits to having a PDF Generator plugin. So, let’s start exploring the benefits that make you aware of why to own the WordPress PDF Generator.


1. Maintain Uniformity In Format

While generating the PDF, you must be thinking about which format you should choose to give your documents a uniform look.
WordPress PDF Generator supports the most popular WordPress themes and extensions like CPT UI, ACF, WPbakery. So, the problem to select the format for your Google docs is resolved.

2. Works With All Operating Systems

One of the main supremacy of WordPress PDF Generator is that it works with almost all the operating systems that are currently in use. It doesn’t matter whether your users work on Windows, Linux, UNIX, iOS, or Android. They will be able to view and read the document without any difficulty.

3. Pleasant View

Designing and customizing your themes and templates are the main sources to catch the user’s attention.
Through designing, you can easily gain user engagement on your websites. Human brains respond more to images than normal text and try to follow it. Even you will be very amazed to know that on an average 94% of the traffic on your site follow you just because of the attractive images you have used on your website.

Therefore if you include images in your PDF and make it more user-friendly, you will be able to draw more attention from users.
Using custom images will assist your audience to visit our website again without any inconvenience. And if they share that PDF with anyone, it will act as a brand promoting your business.

It has a long-lasting effect on your users. So, use the WordPress generator plugin to draw your potential users’ attention towards your eCommerce business.

4. Customization Of PDF Is Possible

With this plugin, you can easily customize the header and footer of your site according to your requirements.
A custom header and footer means you have the competence to change the outlook of the header and footer as per your requirements, which means you can customize your template that fits on your brand accordingly.

5. Capture User Detail

We all know that email marketing is an effective way to generate leads. And we all always try to capture emails in every possible way. Now you don’t have to give more exertion to capture your user’s email address.

A PDF generator can be a great way of capturing email addresses because PDF provides you the opportunity to ask your user’s email address.

For example, You can see the example. How smartly they have asked for the email address to send the PDF.



If you provide a PDF on your product page, you can easily entice new leads for your business by asking their email address. And if the customer finds the topic interesting and valuable for their field of work, they will surely give their email address which will benefit your eCommerce business to get more potential customers.

Coming to an end

After reading this, you must know how beneficial it would be to convert blogs, products, and pages into PDF, and how it can help you in gaining traffic on your site.

It also helps you in dispersing awareness about your business. So, what now?

After going through this blog post, if you are interested in our product or have any queries regarding the WordPress plugin contact us whenever you want.

We are 24*7 available to help our customers, schedule a meeting with our experts, and clear all your doubts. If you find this information about WordPress PDF Generator useful and informative, do comment and share!

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

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