With online shopping nearly hitting 4 trillion in 2020, online eCommerce stores might feel the need to upscale or increase the existing scalability of their stores. eCommerce website pages are amongst one of the integral portions of your website. This is because these pages are responsible for directly generating revenue for your company. Keeping this aspect in mind, when you upscale your business, it becomes crucial to increase the scalability of your web pages as well.

How Does WooCommerce Work?

WooCommerce is an open-source and customizable eCommerce platform built on WordPress. It has made showcasing the products better. It helps you grow to like never before. This has made selling not just a mechanical process but a valuable experience. It has a lot of features that make the process easy like a breeze.

Let’s check how popular WooCommerce is by checking out some amazing statistical data.

This involves three significant features:

1. Bulk Upload

It has enabled the sellers to upload the products in bulk. That means the sellers need not worry about uploading the products from time to time and can focus on upscaling the production part. That increases the overall efficiency.

2.Inventory Sync

This helps to keep the inventory in proper synchronization. It syncs on its own with real-time updates. Again, helps in increasing scalability and efficiency by making inventory management easy and quick.

3. Automated Console

This lets you manage your entire store with just a single dashboard. The seller can get a detailed view of his business at one glance.

Read more about WooCommerce

What is WooCommerce? The Beginners’ Guide

What Is Scalability?

Before understanding WooCommerce scalability and its importance for your eCommerce websites, it is essential to know about scalability. The 3 fundamental pillars of scaling are efficiency, capital, and speed. In simple terms, scalability is the ability of your website to keep up with the increase in pages, content, and traffic. An eCommerce website should incorporate the 3-pillars.

The company first must realize the amount of capital that can be used for upscaling your website, the speed aspect helps you understand how quickly can your enterprise adapt to the latest growth techniques, and the efficiency helps you decide how optimized your website can be during the scaling process.

What Is WooCommerce Scalability?

Now that we have understood the term scalability and what it stands for, it is time to talk about WooCommerce scalability. WordPress is the most scalable and flexible platform amongst all the other platforms that are there for all eCommerce shop owners and also for CMS (content management system). The main question here is: how many products can WooCommerce handle?

Read more to learn about the ways to grow your online store

How Content Marketing Can Grow Your Online Store?

Let’s keep this aspect in mind, to understand WooCommerce scalability. WooCommerce is built on WordPress and enjoy all the perks and benefits of the platform. There are a variety of plugins and extensions that WordPress offers and as WooCommerce is directly related, you get full access to them. In short, WooCommerce simplifies online scalability for eCommerce websites.

Types of WooCommerce Scalability

There are many factors and aspects to cover when you want to scale your business or enterprise. Thinking about these elements, there are 4 major types of scaling that you can incorporate into your online store and enjoy the advantages of it.

1. BootStrapping

woocommerce scalability bootstrapping stats

Source: Finances Online

It is the internal model of scaling. BootStrapping focuses on utilizing all the internal resources to upscale the business. The main objective here is to grow organically, which is why the overall process is slow. It depends primarily on how creative your marketing team is, and if you can utilize the available resources correctly. This model can get a bit challenging but if done correctly can be beneficial. Some of the perks or advantages are:

  • Consumer-centric
  • Full freedom
  • Greater accessibility

2. Slow Scaling

This scaling model is similar to BootStrapping. The main difference is that the enterprise can choose to take the help of external resources and are not just bound to use the internal ones.  The main focus is to help in the consumer’s growth. Slow scaling is one of the popular models and is widely used by a lot of individuals. Some of the benefits of slow are:

  • Great efficiency
  • Clever decision-making
  • Right balance

3. Fast Scaling

This scaling model is used by business houses when they are financially backed. As the name suggests, there is fast upscaling and rapid growth. Many companies are seen adapting this model to sustain themselves in the market. Some of the benefits of this model are:

  • Sustainability
  • Exponential growth
  • Economies of scale
economies of scale stating woocommerce scalability

Source: Wall Street Mojo

4. Blitzscaling

Blitzscaling focuses on making the organization reach massive sales in a limited time. This scaling model values speed over efficiency while operating in an uncertain environment. Many rising start-ups and enterprises adopt this scaling model. The advantages of this model are:

  • Rising growth
  • Great impact
  • Monopoly dominance

How to Scale Your Online Store with WooCommerce?

Now that you are familiar with the different types of scaling models, we can finally talk about how to scale your online store with WooCommerce scalability. But how to scale WooCommerce stores?

There are different types of extensions and plugins that can easily fuel your upscaling process. But just like any other technique or strategy, some points will help you easily scale your business. Those key points are:

1. Choose the Right Host

hosting servers for woocommerce scalability

This is an important point to focus on because the amount of traffic that is drawn to your website after upscaling solely depends on how well your hosting environment is handling it. If you are unable to choose the right host, there is a chance that your website will not be able to handle the growing traffic, and that might create some issues for your eCommerce store. To avoid this from happening, you to must ensure that before choosing the hosting provider ask the following questions:

  • How many sites are already listed on your server?
  • Does your host prioritize speed?
  • Can existing websites grow on your server?
  • How often does your server go down?
  • How seriously do you take your customer reviews and feedback?

As an eCommerce shop owner, it is important for you to ask these questions because this can determine how easy your scaling process will be in the future.

2. Capabilities to Look for in your Host

Now that you are aware of the importance of finding and choosing the right hosting server or provider, it will be easy for you to understand this particular point. We have made a list of capabilities or in simpler terms key points to look out for while you start looking at hosting servers. You must ensure the following capabilities are being offered if you want to eliminate upscaling complications in the future.

  • Scalability
  • Assurance and software security
  • Maintenance and support
  • Load balancing
  • Good content delivery network

While upscaling or scaling your business, functionality plays an important role. You can increase the functionality of your website by uninstalling the extensions and plugins that are no longer serving your purpose. This helps you in the scaling process as well. We are just trying to make the scaling of your website easy and convenient for you. Try deactivating the unnecessary ones and try using the ones that you might require for your store.

3. Update Everything

As an eCommerce shop owner, you are expected to keep your websites up to date with all the updates. If you have your website listed on WooCommerce’s platform, there are a lot of WordPress updates that you must install. This increases the overall functionality of your website and also helps in WooCommerce Scalability.

4. Testing

This can be the last point of this segment but is the most important one. When you are planning to scale your website, it is essential to test the different aspects of your web pages to determine their functionality. There are 2 major types of testing.

  • Performance testing

This testing determines the functionality or working of the website under normal circumstances. The loading speed of the page, how much time is it taking to load the shopping cart or the display pictures?

  • Loading testing

Loading testing is done to determine the functionality of your website under pressure. It can answer questions such as how many users can your website handle at a single time or what are the chances of your website crashing?

Factors Affecting the Scaling of the WooCommerce Stores?

factors affecting woocommerce scalability

Source: Intuz

By WooCommerce scalability, we mean how efficiently you can grow your store online, and not have a negative impact or influence on the existing functionality of your web pages like the load speed. Some of the factors that might influence the scaling process are listed below:

1. Traffic

As an online store owner, there are different kinds of traffic heading or making the way towards your website. It is essential to ensure that there is an equal traffic flow or the traffic flow is well distributed.

2. Server Hardware

We have dedicated a separate portion of the article to this one particular factor. It is significant to choose the right hosting server or provider for your website because that determines how convenient the future scaling process will be before your company.

3. Other Plugins on the Website

If you have a store listed on WooCommerce, other plugins will help you scale your website as well. Use the plugin that serves your purpose, and benefits you while scaling your store on WooCommerce.

4. WooCommerce Codes

For any stores on WooCommerce, it is significant to make sure that all your plugins are updated regularly. This will not only make them work better and faster but also positively help in the scaling process for the WooCommerce Scalability.

Why is WooCommerce the Best Available Option?

woocommerce data

Source: Barn2 Plugins

Statistically speaking at least 5 million+ stores are currently listed on the WooCommerce platform. But if you are still not convinced as to why WooCommerce is the best available option? We have got you covered. We have listed 5 significant benefits that will convince you and will answer your question.

1. Free WordPress Themes

As we know by now, WooCommerce is an open-source eCommerce platform built on WordPress. This enables the users to get free access to all WordPress Themes. This is the most straightforward and budget-friendly reason for you to use this platform.

2. Custom WordPress Themes

Custom WordPress themes are considered to be the “BOSS” of all the other kinds of themes. These themes are custom made as per the user’s requirements and let them incorporate these as per their needs. For many users, this is the easiest available option or theme.

3. Premium WordPress Themes

When the users decide to go for the premium themes, they are choosing efficiency and effectiveness. The themes are made by expert WordPress developers to suit the needs of the users, and are regularly modified and updated for the betterment of the listed websites.

4. Maximum Scalability

WooCommerce scalability is something that makes it the most used open-source in the CMSs (Content Management Systems). Different kinds of extensions, plugins, and available themes give the users a lot of room to grow their websites with complete ease and flexibility without having any negative impact on their web pages.

Must-Have Tools to Scale your Business

When you are focusing on WooCommerce scalability, you must ensure there is balance and stability. You can not scale one department and forget about the other departments, there should be equality. When you upscale your business, you tend to drive a lot of traffic to your website. Your customer service must be on-point. We have listed some of the widely used tools and classified them further according to their respective departments.

google analytics

1. Marketing tools

2. Analytics tools

3. Customer service tools

4. Miscellaneous tools

Examples of Some Large Scale WooCommerce Stores

1. Inter-Shop

inter shop

Source: Inter Shop

Inter-Shop is an electronics company that imports and exports electronic products of greek companies. As per the research of WhoIsHostingThis, inter-shop has incorporated Cloudflare, and that is responsible for its speed and efficient functionality. Inter-Shop is amongst the Big brands using WooCommerce.

2. Gifts and Jewels

gifts and jewels

Source: Gifts and Jewels

Gifts and Jewels is another WooCommerce store that has about 50000+ listed on its platform. It is one of the listed companies on the platform that has its custom WordPress themes (gift jewelz) developed by using underscore.me. Gifts and Jewels are amongst the largest WooCommerce sites as well.


After going through all the aspects and elements of WooCommerce scalability. It is safe to say that if you get your eCommerce store or website listed on WooCommerce’s open-source platform. You should not be disappointed. Your company will get ample chances and room to grow and keep getting better every day. You will drive more traffic to your website and thus, increasing the revenue.

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

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