Are you developing a WordPress website for you or your client? Complete your WordPress website development tasks like a pro with this handy to-do WordPress checklist that saves you from the hard moments. In this WordPress Launch Checklist, you will get to know all the things from basic to complex that are imperative for making your brand-new website successful and secure. Go through each point and avoid all oops moment.

1. WordPress Setup & Development Checklist

Buy A Domain Name Related To Your Blog Niche
Select A WordPress Hosting Plan
Create Your Database And User Roles In Web Hosting Control Panel
Install The New Version Of WordPress
Delete All Unwanted Files
Finalize A Theme Related To Your Blog Niche
Use Plugin To Handle Basic On-page SEO
Add Contact Form And Sitemaps
Include Newsletter Subscription Forms
Create Blog Category And Tags
Build Contact Page, About Us Page, & Privacy Policy Page
Create Accounts On Gravatars
Include Social Widgets To Let Your Users Share & Increase Your Post Reach
Allow Readers To Comment On Your Blog Post

2. WordPress Theme Checklist

Check Compatibility With Other Plugins
Check Responsiveness With All Devices
Page Builder Support for Drag & Drop Functionality
Check SEO Friendliness
Supports Multilingual Functionality
Check Reviews Before Purchasing The Theme
The Selected Theme Provides Documentation Support
It should be perfect for your niche
Check Demo Before Purchasing The Theme
Download The Theme & Install From WordPress Theme Panel
Take Backup Of Entire Site
Customize Theme To Meet Business Needs
Preview Before Making The Theme Live
After The Customization Make Your Website Theme Go Live

3. WordPress Content Checklist

Landing Pages

Replace Dummy Content
Cross-Check The Structure Of Your Content
Provide Proper Headings & Subheadings
Include Attractive & Compressed Images
Check The Flow Of Content
Proofread & Remove Content Errors
Check CTAs Of The Page
Remove Broken Links
Remove 404 Error
Videos Should Include “?rel=0”
Check All Sliders & Audio
Perform SEO Of The Page
Prepare OG Image

For Blog Posts

Finalize An Attractive Heading
Prepare SEO Keywords
Start Crafting Content Using Your Focus Keyword
Give Credit To Original Source Of Information
Perform Content Editing 2-3 Times
Proofread Content
Prepare Feature & Supporting Images
Check Plag & Readability
Start Drafting Your Content On WordPress
Give A Structure To Your Content
Include External/Internal Links
Provide Table Of Content Using Jump to
Add “nofollow” & “target=_blank”
Add Tags, SEO Title, Slug, Meta-Description, OG Image
Select Category Of Your Post
Add Related Articles
Prepare An Author Bio
Check CSS Of Your Post
Add Compressed Images
Embed relevant Videos & add “?rel=0”

4. WordPress SEO Checklist

Install, Set-Up & Activate SEO Plugin
Set Up SEO Friendly Permalinks
Use A Focus Keyword
Set SEO Title & Tagline
Prepare A Meta-Description & Meta-Tags
Provide Proper Headings [H1, H2, H3….H6]
Add Image Alt Text & Alternative Attribute
Use Short URLs (Avoid Numbers In URLs)
Check “dofollow” & ‘nofollow” Links
Perform Interlinking
Use “target=_blank”
Check Affiliate Links
Utilize Sitemaps
Submit Your Page For Indexing
Use Social Signals
Prepare Schema Of Site
Perform Local SEO
Check Mobile Responsiveness
Resolve All Broken Links
Create Blog Categories

5. WordPress Marketing Checklist

Include Forms For Sign-Ups
Attract Leads Using Pop-Ups
Create An Email Campaign
Include Social Icons
Share Your Post On Social Networking Sites

Check Trademark And Copyright Before Creating Logo & Tagline
Create A Page Containing Terms & Conditions Of Your Business
Make Sure You Have A License For Everything (Images, Fonts, Plugins…. Etc)
Do Not Use Resources Created By Others (Images, Content, Quotes, Stats, Fonts… Etc)
Create A Copyright Statement
Include COOKIE Warning
Provide Privacy Policies
Enable GDPR Compliance

7. WordPress Backup & Security Checklist

Install A WordPress Backup & Security Solution To Keep Hackers Away
Schedule Backup Of Your Entire WordPress site
Download The zip File Of Your Backup
Allow Two-Factor Authentication
Use Your Email Address For Security Purpose
Create A Potent Password
Update Your WordPress Site including plugins On A Regular Basis
Define User Roles
Remove Themes And Plugins That Are Causes Harm To Your Site
Confine Login Tries With WordPress Brute Force Protection

8. WordPress Functionality Checklist

Make Sure That All Your Forms Are Working Properly
Check That Auto-replies Are Working Properly
Check Your Sharing Widget
Ensure That All CTAs Are Clearly Visible And Clickable
Check Your Comment Section
Assure That Your Website Is Following A Uniform Layout
Check For Broken Links And Browser Compatibility
Check Your Code

9. WordPress Launch Checklist

All Dummy Content Has Been Replaced With Original Content
Website Theme Is Customized As Per Your Business Needs
Website Is Fulfilling The Compatibility And Responsive Criteria
All Forms Are Created With Appropriate Content And CTAs
Social Widgets Are Working Smoothly
All Images Are Compressed
External Links Are ‘nofollow’ And All Links Are Opening In New Tab
Navigation Is Working
Make Sure All Broken Links Are Resolved

10. WordPress General Checklist

Make Sure All Links Are Working
Check Compatibility With All Browsers And Mobile
Have A License For All Elements Listed On Your Website
Website Favicon Is Appearing
Optimize Page Speed For All Devices
Business Location And Time Zone Representing Correct Information
Have Included Trust Factors

11. WordPress Maintenance Checklist

Update Theme & Plugins
Work On Page Load Time
Check Broken Links & 404 Errors
Keep Improving Your SEO
Post Content On A Regular Basis
Optimize Your Website Content And Pages
Work On Enhancing User Experience

Go Stress-Free Using WordPress Checklist!

So, here we are done with the WordPress launch checklist. Make sure that all the checkboxes are enabled to avoid last-minute hurry. I hope this handy WordPress website checklist would help you in completing your WordPress development job without facing any complexity. If you find this WordPress to-do list-worthy then do share your opinion in the comment section.

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About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

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