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Upsell Order Bump Offer For WooCommerce Pro


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Upsell Order Bump Offer For WooCommerce Pro

One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce Pro helps merchants to create exclusive post-purchase upsell offers. You can easily build highly responsive offer pages in just a few clicks. Customers can purchase the post-checkout offers in a single click without re-entering their payment information.

  • Triggers upselling WooCommerce funnels on target products or categories.
  • Creates category-based offers or product-based offers.
  • Accept payments from core payment gateways.
  • Build one-time upsell offers by major page builders with zero coding.
  • Show post-purchase upsell offers that your customers can grab in a single click.
  • No Recurring Payments
  • 1 Year Free Support
  • 24x7 Customer Care


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Upsell Order Bump Offer For WooCommerce Pro encourages customers to buy related/complementary products to increase conversions and impulse purchases. With this WooCommerce upsells at checkout extension, you can:

  • Product Type Availability – Simple, Variable, Subscription: The merchants can create WooCommerce order bumps and offer a cart funnel for simple, variable, and subscription products through the upsell order bump pro plugin.
  • Duplicate Your Order Bump Upsell Funnels: Once the WooCommerce order bump offer is designed and if you want to clone the offer, the whole upsell WooCommerce will be created automatically in just one click
  • Template Customization with Live Preview: With the WooCommerce Upsell plugin, admins can select & customize the template design to your requirements. And also preview the real-time changes in the template.
  • Unlimited & Multiple Order Bumps:  The merchants can create just a single bump offer with the WooCommerce upsell plugin free version. But the pro version provides the ability to create unlimited WooCommerce bump offers. 
  • Bump Offer Product Quantity: WooCommerce upsell plugin, has two ways to show & set the quantity on bump offer. The first one is static quantity change and the second is variable quantity change.
  • Arrow on Offer Box: The merchants can utilize this feature of the Upsell Plugin WooCommerce’s pro version to add an arrow on the offering box for WooCommerce at checkout page.
  • Global Order Bump: With this feature, you can add all the WooCommerce upsell products on your site for order bump offers. This feature will show the bump offer by selecting all the products on your site. 
  • Countdown Timer: One of the easiest strategies to boost conversions and elevate sales is to use a countdown timer on smart offers WooCommerce to help you generate urgency in your store and scarcity in your products.

Quick Info

  • Compatible up to: WP 6.2.x, WC 7.8.x

  • Minimum PHP version: 7.3.5 or Higher

  • Version: 2.1.9 View Change Log

  • Last update: Jun 08, 2023


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Top Features

WooCommerce Upsell Popup

WooCommerce upsell popup feature gives you the option to display the sales pop-up screen of the WooCommerce upsell products image or title as per your choice at the checkout page. With the enhanced setting you can choose whether to show a popup or not using the radio button.

New Templates and Customization

You can now use and customize any of the uniquely created templates designed for your stores. With them, it not only gets easy to develop upsell offers but also, you can set them at a lower price to make the purchase appear like a no-brainer when your consumer is checking out.

Carousel On Offer Image

This feature lets the images slide in from right to left; i.e. will highlight your image and give you plenty of room to add more images to seal the deal. After 5 seconds of a customer landing on your product page, the carousel will slide the WooCommerce order bumps on the screen.

Arrow On Offer Checkbox

Add an arrow on the offering box for Woocommerce upsell at checkout to emphasize more on the offer and make it attractive to customers. Transform the arrow into a variety of colors and catch your user’s attention while browsing. Test out various styles of smart order bumps.

Timers On Offers To Create Urgency

One of the easiest strategies to boost conversions and elevate sales is to use a countdown timer on smart offers WooCommerce to help you generate urgency in your store and scarcity in your products. This order bump upsell feature will let customers act fast and make a purchase.

Offer Background Color

Change in the background color of WooCommerce bump offer box is as per your choice with the latest offer background color feature. You can easily get the chance to attract users towards the offer by choosing & customizing the righteous color combinations increasing sales.

Unlimited Order Bump Offers for WooCommerce Upsell Products

With the WooCommerce Upsell plugin, the merchant can create as many WooCommerce Order Bump offers as they like. By creating unlimited upsell offers, the admins will be in a position to show your customers and attract them on the basis of certain criteria.

Offer Image Size Customization

The merchants can alter the size and appearance of your order bump product offer with this specific feature. Show your consumer personalized WooCommerce upsell offers at the checkout as WooCommerce order bumps by adjusting the offer image’s size to your convenience.

Set Minimum Cart Value For Order Bump

The admins can utilize this feature for upselling WooCommerce carts and will make sure that the Minimum order amount is met. Set a specific minimum order value in Cart and Checkout page, that will enable you to offer products in accordance with the parameters of your choice.

Multiple Order Bumps

Merchants can show multiple offers as order bumps on a single checkout page. They can create WooCommerce bump offer funnels for every product on their WooCommerce store by displaying various WooCommerce order bumps offered during checkout.

Global Order Bump

The admin can add all the products on your site for order bump offers. They can show the bump offer by selecting all the products on your site. Admins can show more than one bump at a time. To set that go to Global settings and set the number of bumps you want to show like 2,3 or more.

Priority Based

With this feature, WooCommerce order bumps can be created as per priority as well. For example, if you have an eCommerce store, and you have set three order bump offers and want to show the third one to the customer on checkout. You can set the priority for the same.

Role-Specific Funnels

The WooCommerce Upsell plugin offers the admin a chance to create funnels that can be limited to specific WooCommerce user roles for example if a user is logged in as a subscriber, the user can only see the products of bumps set by the admin. This helps in targeting customers effectively.

Duplicate Your Order Bump Upsell Funnels

With Upsell Order Bump for WooCommerce, once the admin has created a specific WooCommerce order bump offer that is designed in accordance with your company and if they want to clone the offer, the whole upsell WooCommerce will be created automatically in just one click.

Custom Image

The merchant can change the default bump offer product image from the funnel setting and replace it with a custom image, which meets the requirement of your WooCommerce store. Now, create your own custom WooCommerce order bumps offers for every sales funnel.

Multiple Locations

Merchants can utilize this feature to boost sales, WooCommerce Bump offers can be displayed in multiple locations on the Checkout Page. You can display them as “Before Order Summary”, “Before Payment Gateways”, “After Payment Gateways”, and “Before Place Order Button”.

Template Customization with Live Preview

WooCommerce Upsell enables the merchants to customize order bump offers and view Live Preview at the same time. Live Preview is available for Template, Design, and Content. Live Preview Customization helps in creating appealing Order Bumps for your WooCommerce store.

Bump Offer Scheduling

Admins can make Order Bumps that can be scheduled for specific weekdays which can make them (offers) exclusive and available only for that set period of time. It can be daily, on weekdays, or on weekends. The “Limited Time” offer creates a sense of urgency for the customers.

Customer Satisfaction and Product Visibility

The product visibility feature of the WooCommerce upsell plugin improves the customer experience by eliminating the hassle to browse products. Also, it gives exposure to products on your that otherwise might have gone unnoticed. Merchants can utilize this to their benefit.

Order Bumps Reporting

Online store owners can track the performance of every WooCommerce order bump offered through the specially designed Behavioral Analytics feature. Merchants get a chance to learn in-depth about your bump and offer the funnel’s performance for a specific frame of time.

Target Products

Target products and product categories for showing pre-checkout upselling and cross-selling bump offers on the checkout upsell WooCommerce page. Setting up the target product allows you to create related upsell WooCommerce offers that will appear for the appropriate category.


Compatibility With One Click Upsell Funnel For WooCommerce

The Upsell Order Bump Offer plugin is compatible with the One Click Upsell Funnel For WooCommerce Free and One Click Upsell Funnel For WooCommerce Pro which allows customers to create post-purchase upselling offers to increase average order value (AOV) and boost sales.

Compatibility With WooCommerce Gift Cards

This WooCommerce Order Bump plugin is compatible with the Ultimate Gift Cards For WooCommerce Free and Gift Cards For WooCommerce Pro allows your customers to redeem their gift cards and earn even more discounts. This will allow the merchants to offer more payment options to their customers for the bump offers.

Compatibility With Subscriptions For WooCommerce

The WooCommerce Order Bump plugin is compatible with the Subscriptions For WooCommerce Free and Subscriptions For WooCommerce Pro allows your customers to create upsell offers on subscription products. This will increase the range of product offerings for customers.

WPML Compatibility

Our plugin is compatible with the majority of the popular themes and plugins that you might require. WPML compatibility is also included; this will enable your users to access content in their native language. So whether it is in Arabic or Hebrew language the upsell plugin will support it.

CheckoutWC Compatibility

The Upsell Order Bump Plugin is now compatible with CheckoutWC, which provides customers with optimized checkout templates that will help merchants to improve their conversion rates. The users can now run upsell order bump offers seamlessly without any hiccups!

Free vs Pro

Features Free Version Pro Version
Template Customization with Live Preview
Offer Background color
Category Based Offers
Product Based Offers
Sandbox Mode
Bump Offer Scheduling
Responsive Offer Design
Simple Product Support
Variable Product Support
Offer Reporting
Enable Permalink On Product Title And Image
Add Custom Image
WPML Compatibility
Bump Offer Appearance as a Popup
Simple Order Bump Offer
Smart Offer Upgrade
Smart Skip If Already Purchased
Multiple Order Bumps
Restrict Woo Coupons
Meta Forms
Exclusive Limits
Duplicate Your Order Bump Upsell Funnels
Bump Offer Product Quantity
Global Order Bump
Bump Offer Priority
Role-Based Bump Offers
Arrow on Offer Box
Countdown Timer
Minimum Cart Value For Order Bump
Offer Image Size Customization
Bump Offer Appearance as Popup


Timers On Offers To Create Urgency
Duplicate Your Order Bump Upsell Funnels
popup feature setting
priority based order bumps
template customization for content for order bump
template customization
bump offer list
design customization with live preview
global based order bumps
image size customization



What are the payment methods supported by the upsell WooCommerce plugin?2023-06-26T09:29:01+00:00

Free version supports only Cash on Delivery. 

WooCommerce One Click Upsell Funnel Pro is compatible with the following payment gateways:

  • WooCommerce PayPal Payments
  • WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway
  • Mollie Payments
  • Authorize.net
  • Braintree
  • Square
  • Paystack
  • Vipps
  • Cardcom


and core payment options such as Cash On Delivery, Direct Bank Transfer, and Cheque Payments.

I installed the plugin, created funnels, and added the offers too still, it does not trigger why?2023-06-26T09:30:03+00:00

If the upsell offers are not showing, make sure:

  • You’ve enabled the WooCommerce One Click Upsell Funnel Pro plugin. Navigate to Global Settings and enable the plugin if it is disabled.
  • Your custom funnel is not in Sandbox Mode. If it is, edit the funnel and make it Live, and Save Changes.
  • You are testing for the correct target product or category you’ve set in the WooCommerce funnel.
  • The offer page is published.
  • You’re making the payment through one of our supported payment gateways. If you make payments through a payment gateway that is not supported by our plugin, the offer will not be displayed.
Is my Payment Gateway compatible with WooCommerce Upsell plugin?2023-06-26T09:30:52+00:00

You can see the list of supported payment gateways on our Product page. But if your required gateway is not there, You can contact our ” Support ” team for this.

 We will check the possibilities and make your gateway compatible with our plugin on your request. There is always a way for everyone.

How can I use Custom Page Shortcodes for BUY NOW and NO THANKS?2023-06-26T09:31:41+00:00

For the “Buy Now” shortcode: You need to copy this Buy Now → [wps_upsell_yes] and place it at a suitable place on your page. Note: This shortcode only returns the link, so it has to be used in the link section. In HTML use it as href=”[wps_upsell_yes]” of the anchor tag.

 For the “No thanks” shortcode: You need to copy this No Thanks → [wps_upsell_no] and place it at a suitable place on your page. Note: This shortcode only returns the link, so it has to be used in the link section. In HTML use it as href=”[wps_upsell_no]” of the anchor tag.

For more information, visit our One Click Upsell documentation.

Is there any free version of this plugin?2023-06-26T09:32:15+00:00

Yes, there is a free version of this plugin available on WordPress. You can visit our free version. If you wish we can give you a personal demo for One Click Upsell Funnel For WooCommerce Pro too.

Can I design an upsell offer page if I don’t have a designer?2023-06-26T09:33:59+00:00

Yes, you can customize your upsell offer pages as per your needs. Just drag and drop and style your elements as you need and your page will be ready in minutes.

How to make a custom offer page for upsell of my own?2023-06-26T09:34:35+00:00

If you want to make a custom offer page for upsell of your own without our pre-defined templates you can do it with the link we have given in the ‘Offer Template’ section. Click on ‘Click here to Create Custom Template’ and make a new offer as per your website needs. After making that page insert a link in the below box and save.


Note: Make sure you are using page builders which are supported by the plugin. 

What are shortcodes & how are they beneficial?2023-06-26T09:35:09+00:00

You can customize the upsell offer page using shortcodes. The plugin provides some advanced shortcodes for creating custom offer pages. You can check our documentation for more details.

Why do Global Funnel and Smart Offer Upgrade not work at the same time?2023-06-26T09:36:04+00:00

The Smart Offer Upgrade works only when it fetches a target product id. On the other hand, the Global Funnel functionality is just the opposite, it does not require a product id to trigger. Thus, this is the reason why Global Funnel and Smart Offer Upgrade do not work together.

Can I show two or more offers at the same time?2023-06-26T09:36:55+00:00

No, you cannot show more than one offer at the same time. If you added more than one offer to the smart funnel, it’ll only trigger when the previous offer is rejected by the customer.

Can I preset a minimum cart amount on which the funnel should trigger?2023-06-26T09:38:00+00:00

Yes, you can add a minimum cart amount in your funnels on which the custom funnel should trigger.

Can I add additional products and custom fields using shortcodes?2023-06-26T09:39:08+00:00

You can use the shortcodes [wps_form] and [wps_additional_offers] on the upsell offer page to add additional products and custom fields.

Still in doubt? Refer to our Knowledge Base and learn more about the WooCommerce Upsell plugin.


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