Let’s protect your writing skills from the backlash of Gutenberg Editor cons

Well, I’m here again to present the third edition of WordPress Gutenberg with most secured solution to curb shortcomings.

You must take heed that, whatever is manufacture by human has two sides. In this context, if WordPress Gutenberg Editor has efficient gain, it too incorporates faults. To lessen the mischances of the newbie plugin, here you would get all solution for WordPress Gutenberg Editor which you may jostle with.


page builder

Your content should be same.

So, without waiting any more minute let get started with dupe of WordPress Gutenberg Editor and the solution you have got. 

Read more: Top Pros and Cons of WordPress Block Editor Gutenberg

Shortcoming of WordPress Gutenberg Editor:

  • Compatibility with other plugins: After gaining glorious partnership with HubSpot,  MakeWebBetter has likely strengthened its service rendering. Here, it would provide vital support services if and when any WordPress Gutenberg editor faces challenges in the terms of compatibility.
  • Work on default post: We will also provide assistance if any user of WordPress Gutenberg editor faces any conflict with default post types. This may include comfortable user-friendly interface. Likewise, presently it does not supports responsive columns. So, we consider this as little issue which will be improved in this early stage.
  • Gutenberg is not enabled by default: Well, you have to take heed of this page builder and ensure that it has proper enable disable feature which can support to your parent platform. Gutenberg Editor is not which stands compatible for all type of platforms. So, be vigilant for your pick.
  • Classic editor functionality being left behind? : This can happen after you have installed classic editor plugin for using pages and posts. But, it is a fact that it might not become compatible with Gutenberg Editor. Well, nothing to think about. MakeWebBetter is there to assist you out in this case as well.

text editor

Summing up:

With the good luck in our heart and excitement to type our new thoughts/posts/blogs and many other in the neo text editor. I wish WordPress Gutenberg Editor all the very best for the evolution.

Well, this will be a token of addon for the whole lot WordPress which has structure millions and billions of websites, templates, templates, blogs and sooo many things which is presently not clicking my mind will pamper the experience of typing as a whole new writing/editing experience.

Want to read more on Gutenberg Editor: Click Here

Thank you, so much for staying tuned with us 🙂

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About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

About the Author: sanjeevmaurya

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